"...establish a Project Management Committee charged with the
creation and maintenance of open-source software for distribution
at no charge to the public, that simplifies the development,
deployment and management of distributed applications built as
compositions of service components, where the components may be written
using any of a wide range of programming languages and where the
components can be connected using any of a wide range of communication
technologies. This software will implement relevant open standards
including, but not limited to, the SCA and SDO standards defined by the
OASIS OpenCSA member section."

>From the paragraph above, should we use "...where the components may
be written using any of a wide range of  technologies..." to allow for
script/dynamic languages, and other technologies such as BPEL, etc ?

On 10/16/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Edwards wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > ant elder wrote:
> > <snip>
> >>
> >> Having both the last two sentences start "This software will..." doesn't
> >> sound perfect to me so if we are able to move the "for distribution
> >> at no
> >> charge..." bit up to the top that seems better, which gives:
> >>
> >> ...establish a Project Management Committee charged with the
> >> creation and maintenance of open-source software for distribution
> >> at no charge to the public, that simplifies the development,
> >> deployment and management of distributed applications composed of
> >> independently acting, loosely coupled, linguistically heterogeneous
> >> components connected using any of a wide range of communication
> >> technologies. This software will implement relevant open standards
> >> including, but not limited to, standards defined by the OASIS
> >> OpenCSA group.
> >>
> >> That first sentence is starting to get quite long but unless anyone
> >> can come
> >> up with some better wording I could live with that.
> >>
> >>    ...ant
> >>
> > I'm sorry, but I don't find this wording at all convincing.  I suspect
> > that most people would be mystified by the section:
> >
> > "distributed applications composed of independently acting, loosely
> > coupled, linguistically heterogeneous components connected using any
> > of a wide range of communication technologies"
> >
> > So, let me try another version, which turns out to be longer, but I
> > hope that it is easier to comprehend.  I also explicitly mention SCA
> > and SDO since these are two core standards that are implemented by
> > Tuscany.
> >
> > "...establish a Project Management Committee charged with the
> > creation and maintenance of open-source software for distribution
> > at no charge to the public, that simplifies the development,
> > deployment and management of distributed applications built as
> > compositions of service components, where the components may be
> > written using any of a wide range of programming languages and where
> > the components can be connected using any of a wide range of
> > communication technologies. This software will implement relevant open
> > standards
> > including, but not limited to, the SCA and SDO standards defined by
> > the OASIS OpenCSA member section."
> >
> >
> > Yours,  Mike.
> >
> This version looks better to me. I was a little mystified by the
> "linguistically heterogeneous" part as well :) I like the "built as
> compositions of service components" which describes well what we do in
> Tuscany and the fact that you explicitly mention the SCA and SDO standards.
> --
> Jean-Sebastien
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Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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