On 10/15/07, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Taking a quick sample of the mailing list, the only contributors to
> >> the discussion thread on Graduation, which I would assume would have
> >> been a hot topic, were from the vendor.
> >
> >
> > I remember contributing to discussion on Graduation. Maybe you
> > don't count
> > me? I know I'm an ex-corporate but then so are you!
> I was thinking primarily of people who were on the TLP PMC proposal.
> But yes, you and Matthew did help draft that proposal. As the
> diversity sub-thread was taken to the private list (which is kind of
> ironic in itself) there may also have been some discussion there I
> missed as well.
> As a mentor you are much closer to the project than I am - why do you
> think Tuscany is ready to graduate with such a skewed PMC and
> committer base?

Also as a mentor on Tuscany here is how my thinking goes:

1. Tuscany has these 3 independent developers and whether they're "good
enough" to qualify is, I think, not very relevant. In fact I'm sure you'll
find a lot of Apache projects with only one or two individuals at the core
who could be from the same company. And where does the core stops? What is
the core of SCA and SDO? I think that's a non issue. (As a side note, I'm
not so big on the 3 external developers rule just because it's a fixed
number. Depending on the project, this could be not enough or too drastic
(do we forbid graduation for a 4 persons project where 2 are from the same
company?). I think it's more subjective).

2. I believe Tuscany has proven to be open toward the acceptance of new
committers in a meritocratic way and has been welcoming. They're fairly open
in their decision process and even if there's a big majority of developers
from a single company, the communication and decisions are done on the
mailing-lists, seeking consensus.

3. They know what the IP issues are and address the eventual problems
appropriately. They've done numerous releases.

4. I'm not too worried about Tuscany potential orphanage. SCA is still in
its infancy as a spec but I'm personally convinced that it has enough mind
share and will continue to gather more. Even if all the individuals
belonging to this same company were to leave, I'm pretty sure Tuscany would
continue (not saying it would continue exactly in the same way, just that
the project would remain active and supported) with the others and more.

5. They've been in the incubator for a while and I think got most of what
there is to get here. Staying in longer wouldn't add much to the project.

So for all these reasons I believe Tuscany is ready for graduation. But I'll
continue to follow them afterward and I'm sure a lot of others will
(probably including you).


> Jeremy
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