Sorry I didn't post in response to your original mail - I was in the
middle of a laptop failure (now recovered with no harm done).

I'm certainly in favour of this as a project. My main concern is that it
is already relatively mature, which will make it harder to draw a
broader community. Also, making one community around five-odd languages
will be interesting.

However, I see these as things to be sorted during incubation, and am
therefore supportive of this project, and have volunteered to be a

In response to Martijn's comment about needing another mentor, it is 
recommended to have three, but not required. What _is_ required is to 
get at least three votes from Incubator PMC members for the proposal when
put to a vote.

Regards, Upayavira

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 21:23 -0800, Mark Slee wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Unless my mail filters are playing tricks on me, haven't seen any
> feedback on the incubator list since sending this proposal out last
> week. Hopefully that's a good thing, meaning no one's opposed. =)
> Anyone have feedback? If no objections are voiced, when would it be
> appropriate for us to move forward with a VOTE thread on this?
> Cheers,
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Slee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PROPOSAL] Thrift
> Hi all,
> We've just posted the Apache Incubator proposal for Thrift onto the
> Wiki:
> For those who prefer reading Wiki markup directly, it is copied below.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> = Thrift Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Thrift is a framework for efficient cross-language data serialization,
> RPC, and server programming.
> == Proposal ==
> Thrift is a software library and set of code-generation tools designed
> to expedite development and implementation of efficient and scalable
> backend services. Its primary goal is to enable efficient and reliable
> communication across programming languages by abstracting the portions
> of each language that tend to require the most customization into a
> common library that is implemented in each language. Specifically,
> Thrift allows developers to define datatypes and service interfaces in a
> single language-neutral file and generate all the necessary code to
> build RPC clients and servers.
> == Background ==
> Thrift was initially developed at Facebook starting in 2006 to power RPC
> and data logging for a number of backend services for the site, such as
> Search and News Feed. The package was designed for open source, and was
> released in early 2007. Since then, a number of other developers have
> submitted patches to the project and become de facto owners of major
> parts. Support for many languages has been developed entirely outside of
> Facebook.
> == Rationale ==
> The need for high performance, reliable communication across different
> programming languages seems to be growing more and more common in modern
> programming, particularly when writing software for the web.
> Historically, this problem has forced developers to standardize on one
> language/framework or adopt heavier-weight systems, such as CORBA or
> SOAP. These systems tend to make tradeoffs that aren't always ideal for
> the use case. SOAP, for example, may be ideal for calling across
> disparate web services, but is unnecessarily verbose for service calls
> on an intranet.
> Most of these systems also require developers to learn the particulars
> of their type systems, especially when dealing with containers or
> objects. One of the primary goals of Thrift is to allow developers to
> program across languages while still using the standard idioms and style
> in each language. Custom type systems also makes code reuse more
> difficult. Thrift allows developers to avoid creating unnecessary
> wrapper interfaces by operating directly on native types.
> == Initial Goals ==
> Though the bulk of Thrift's initial development is complete, there are
> still some large areas for future development. Some areas we hope to
> focus on in Apache:
>  * Better log storage/replay
>  * Meta-data serialization
>  * Higher-performance serialization, standard C extension model across
> Python/PHP/etc.
>  * Extending the abstraction to a multi-client that can fan-out across
> multiple servers
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> Though initial development was done at Facebook, Thrift was intended to
> be released as an open source project from its inception. Since release,
> many developers have adopted the framework and submitted significant
> patches. Large portions of the codebase are now managed by those most
> familiar with and responsible for them. Any potentially controversial
> change is discussed on the public mailing list
> ( and good
> suggestions are frequently implemented.
> === Community ===
> Thrift is currently in use across a number of organizations, and we
> expect this to grow as Thrift becomes a relevant and useful tool for
> building more open source projects.
> === Core Developers ===
> Thrift currently has developers across many organizations (e.g.
> Facebook, Powerset, ReCaptcha, AmieStreet), many of whom are
> contributors to other open source projects.
> === Alignment ===
> Thrift is designed to integrate cleanly with other projects. We think
> this is a particularly good fit for Apache due to integration potential
> with other projects, specifically Hadoop/Hbase.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Products ===
> Thrift is already deployed into production at multiple large websites
> that are frequently iterating on the featureset. There's no realistic
> chance of it becoming orphaned.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The project has already been open source for nearly a year and has
> attracted many developers already. Part of the reason to join Apache is
> to make the project work even better as open source by removing some
> obstacles, such as Facebook hosting the SVN, and putting the resources
> all in a truly open space, being able to have more committers, etc. Most
> of the core developers have a history of working with open source tools.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The current set of developers work across a variety of organizations.
> Naturally, most are websites with significant backend structure (and
> hence a need for Thrift), but the problems they are solving are diverse,
> and many don't work in the same programming languages.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Thrift is a "means to an end." None of the developers (to my knowledge)
> working on Thrift are salaried specifically to work on Thrift. Rather,
> Thrift is useful in building other projects, which may or may not be for
> salary. Realistically, it is likely that a decent portion of work on
> Thrift will be done by someone at a company, but not specifically tasked
> with working on Thrift. So long as the tool is relevant and useful, this
> should result in developers contributing time both at work and
> personally.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Projects === Thrift has already been
> introduced into the Hbase project. (See
> Since Thrift is a
> development tool, it is designed and well-suited for use in other
> projects. As a start, we definitely plan to continue integration work
> with Hbase.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand === Thrift has
> already attracted a stable base of developers. The reasons for joining
> Apache are not to advertise the project, but rather to demonstrate the
> commitment to open source by divorcing the trunk from any one
> corporation and pursuing further integration with other Apache projects.
> == Documentation ==
> Existing page:
> Mailing list (with archives):
> == Initial Source ==
> Currently hosted by Facebook:
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan == All code
> currently hosted in the Facebook public SVN folder will be contributed.
> == External Dependencies ==
> All dependencies (libevent, Boost) have Apache compatible licenses.
> == Cryptography ==
> None
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
>  * thrift-dev
>  * thrift-private
> === Subversion Directory ===
> We'd also be interested in using git to store the repo. Does apache have
> infrastucture set up to support that? It'd make it easier for
> non-committer developers to work on patches, checkpoint commits, etc.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Bugzilla Thrift
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Mark Slee (mcslee at facebook dot com)
>  * Aditya Agarwal (aditya at facebook dot com)
>  * Marc Kwiatkowski (marc at facebook dot com)
>  * David Reiss (david at facebook dot com)
>  * James Wang (jwang at facebook dot com)
>  * Chris Piro (cpiro at facebook dot com)
>  * Ben Maurer (bmaurer at andrew dot cmu dot edu)
>  * Kevin Clark (kevin at powerset dot com)
>  * Jake Luciani (jakers at gmail dot com)
> == Affiliations ==
>  * People with Facebook email addresses - Facebook
>  * Ben Maurer - ReCaptcha
>  * Kevin Clark - Powerset
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Doug Cutting
> === Mentors ===
>  * Paul Querna
>  * Upayavira
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>  * Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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