William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> > Who is permitted to vote is, to some extent, a community-specific
> > thing. However, the basic rule is that only PMC members have binding
> > votes, and all others are either discouraged from voting (to keep the
> > noise down) or else have their votes considered of an indicative or
> > advisory nature only.

> Hmmm... this is the first and only time I've seen a policy statement
> that discourages active contributors from casting a(n advisory) vote
> when they've reviewed the contribution/release/etc etc.

> I personally think it's counterproductive advise

I concur.  The text should be corrected.  There is no need, and every reason 
not, to discourage anyone from voting.

        --- Noel

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