The proposal guide is here:

One way to find a champion is to start writing your
proposal on the incubator wiki, and notifying this
list.  As people understand what it is you want to
do, they may step up to the task.  Starting the
proposal on the wiki is not the same as officially
submitting it.


Angela Cymbalak wrote:
I am happy to write up the proposal. The more I read and think about this project the more I really think that it would be a great one for Apache to undertake if the appropriate community can be built around it.

The only thing holding up my proposal writing is my concern for the process. The process implies that one needs to have a Champion *before* writing the proposal and finding the Mentors. I am aware of whom I can ask to be a Champion but I don't want to overstep my bounds. There are two existing projects that I believe a photo gallery would compliment. Is a Champion required before submitting the proposal?

Also, did I miss finding an FAQ on the Proposal process? I checked the Wiki and the Incubator Web site. I don't want to post a lot of questions that may be answered easily elsewhere.


At 11:08 AM 4/14/2008, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Also even if some other proposals got canned, this doesn't this one won't > get accepted. The best thing to do is to submit a proposal following one of > the existing templates and let the people on this list comment on it, and
> see if you can find mentors here.


it's community, not code

(the acceptance process is also somewhat subjective which introduces
an element of chance)

- robert

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