All doubts on Sling have gone out the window. I will update the proposal accordingly.

I don't mind the idea of working with the Sling project at all. I am most interested in the problem space. For the moment I will continue updating the proposal. Even if it doesn't become its very own project, having the proposal written will still provide a good road map as we start to move the project forward.


At 06:01 PM 6/30/2008, you wrote:
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Angela Cymbalak
>...I just haven't figured out how Sling may play into that
> and what that means for the actual storage mechanism.  Does anyone from the
> Sling project have any thoughts on this?...

Sling should make it very easy to create photo gallery software, the
JCR repository observation feature for example, makes it easy to
"listen" for incoming files and process them, to generate thumbnails
or alternate renderings. And the WebDAV interface is very convenient
to drop files into the JCR repository.

Sling's RESTful scripting and/or servlets should also make it easy to
provide a REST interface on the photo gallery.

Docs and examples for Sling are quite thin at the moment, but a photo
gallery would be a good example indeed, and Sling is looking for more
contributors. If you're willing to give it a shot over there, we'll do
our best to put you on the right track.

-Bertrand (Sling committer)

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