Is there a potential trademark issue with Google?  I worry about the
similarity in name to Picasa, especially given they both are web-based photo

Apologies if this has already been discussed.


On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Roland Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> please vote on accepting project PicaGalley
> (originally proposed under the name of Caitrin)
> for incubation, with the Incubator PMC as the Sponsor.
> This vote runs until Sun 2008-08-10 24:00 GMT,
> unless major discussions ensue. Votes of IPMC
> members are binding, a minimum of three +1 is
> required. I don't know whether a majority is
> sufficient or whether consensus is required,
> so I hope for the latter :-)
> thanks and cheers,
>  Roland
> --8<------------------------------------------------
> [ ] +1 Accept PicaGalley for incubation
> [ ]  0 Don't care
> [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason :
> ----------------------------------------------------
> (The text below contains minor edits compared to the draft at
> I removed the section "Help Wanted", improved formatting for
> direct reading, and removed the ! prefix from "!PicaGalley".)
> == Abstract ==
> PicaGalley will be a photo gallery application with web access.
> == Proposal ==
> PicaGalley will be a complete open source photo gallery application
> including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
> control layer, and upload capabilities. The idea is to have a rigid design
> for the content repository with a very flexible display piece. The images in
> the content repository will be protected with granular access control.
> == Background ==
> Photo gallery software provides users with the means to store, manage, and
> publish photographies and other digital images. A user creates one or more
> photo albums and puts images into them. Metadata stored with the images
> allows for searching. The primary means to access the photo gallery will be
> web interfaces, for human interaction through a browser as well as for
> machine retrieval. Images are published by granting read access to everybody
> or to a group of invites.
> Initially the proposal idea for a photo gallery was brought forth due to a
> project that had been started at Nechtan Design.  While discussing the
> possibility of forming a community around that project (called Caitrin) a
> community started to form.  Others with interest in the subject and problem
> space started putting in their ideas and offered to donate code that could
> help. It was decided that the project should start from scratch with a new
> architecture. This proposal is based on a high level design that evolved
> from the subsequent discussions.
> We are aware that we have significant work ahead of us, not only in the
> code to be written but in finding a community to support the project.
> == Rationale ==
> "A picture tells a thousand words..."
> If a picture tells a thousand words then a gallery of pictures tells an
> amazing story.  It could tell this story as part of a larger web site, in a
> blog or on its own.  Unfortunately, there exists no Java open source
> application to assist the community to tell this story.  PicaGalley will
> change that.
> There are many photo galleries that are written in PHP.  Each of these
> addresses a particular need and many work well for their intended purpose.
> However, there is not a photo gallery that is written in Java.  As Web 2.0
> continues to grow it only makes sense that the community provide not only
> PHP but also Java applications to allow everyone the ability to publish
> their own content.  Apache started down this road with Roller and can
> continue with PicaGalley.
> == Initial Goals ==
>  * Create a prototype by drawing pieces from existing efforts
>  * Recruit additional community members
>  * Finalize the Content Repository
>   * Use cases - capture ideas such as access control that might not make
> first drop
>   * Layout
>   * Unit tests (simple drivers for loading, accessing, searching, etc.)
>  * ReST structure
>   * Use cases
>   * URI format
>   * semantics
>   * prototype implementation
>  * Web service
>   * Use cases - want to capture ideas for process (Ode) integration
>   * WSDL Description
>   * prototype
> == Current Status ==
> Responses to the initial proposal uncovered several existing efforts at
> implementing photo gallery software in Java. Instead of picking one codebase
> over the others, we started from scratch with a high-level design. Pieces
> will be taken from the existing efforts as appropriate. These efforts are:
>  * Caitrin: Originally developed for a fee at Nechtan Design then
> voluntarily updated. The code is in use on a test site and ready to be moved
> to production. It runs on Tomcat and uses a relational DB for
>  storing metadata as well as the filesystem for storing images. This
> codebase was at the core of the initial proposal for this podling.
>  * Noel Bergman developed a photo gallery software he is willing to donate.
> The software is in production use, technical details remain to be
> investigated.
>  * Carsten Ziegeler is working on a photo gallery software based on Apache
> Sling (currently incubating), which uses a JCR backend for storage. This
> codebase is destined as a contribution to Apache Sling.
>  * Luciano Resende is working on a photo gallery sample for Apache Tuscany
> SCA, using a filesystem storage backend. This codebase is already at Apache,
> see
> == Meritocracy ==
> The PicaGalley project will demonstrate the best in meritocracy.  Due to
> the fact that the project is in its infancy and only a small community
> exists, the community that grows to surround it as it grows within the ASF
> will all adhere to the fundamentals of meritocracy.  Every person who is
> currently part of the community has given a significant contribution of
> either architecture expertise and/or code.
> == Community ==
> After the initial proposal for a Caitrin podling, which came with no
> community at all, a small community has formed within the ASF. Some people
> are interested in the problem domain itself, while others are interested in
> showcasing how particular technologies can be used to solve some aspect of
> the problem.
> == Core Developers ==
> Angela Cymbalak
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Projects ===
> We are starting with a very small community. While several people are
> interested, it remains to be seen how much time they can spend here. The
> risk of becoming an orphaned project is high.
> In light of this situation, we are putting the initial focus on delivering
> working prototypes based on existing efforts at Apache Tuscany SCA and
> possibly at Apache Sling (currently incubating). Working prototypes will
> enable interested parties to download and play with the code and entice them
> to get involved. Relying on existing efforts means that our work results can
> find a home at Apache even if the podling itself should fail to gain
> sufficient traction.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The initiator of this proposal has limited experience with open source. She
> is committed to learning the Apache Way. The other members of the community
> we currently see forming are Apache PMC members or ASF members.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The current community grew out of a desire to see different pieces of
> technology put to use and an interest in the problem space.  There is no
> single entity that is providing all the developers for this project.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> This project is not in the profit stream for any of the participants.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> There are several other Apache Products and Apache Incubator projects that
> are being evaluated for use with this project.  Some members of the
> community are involved because of wanting to see a particular technology put
> to use. Likely candidates are:
>   * Jackrabbit for the backend
>   * Tuscany SCA for the WS interface
>   * Sanselan for metadata extraction
>   * Sling for the frontend
>   * maybe JSecurity for authorization
> There were brief discussions with the Apache Roller project about
> implementing the photo gallery as a plugin to the Roller weblog software.
> The community response indicated general interest but limited enthusiasm.
> The intent of this proposal is to develop a standalone photo gallery
> application, whereas the Roller community is likely to consider it an
> accessory feature. We therefore prefer to start an independent effort, which
> can later be tied to Roller by means of a plugin.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> The Apache community has shown themselves to be invested in the code that
> they are writing because they enjoy the act of developing a quality product
> that can be easily used by others.  They rely on collective knowledge
> instead of the knowledge of the individual and are willing to share that
> knowledge with others.  We feel that this application will continue to grow
> well under the guidance, leadership and structure of the Apache community
> and the ASF.
> == Documentation ==
> No documentation currently exists.
> == Initial Source ==
> No initial source is currently identified.  All the code bases listed above
> will be donated in order to prevent IP pollution.
> == Cryptography ==
> No cryptography is currently utilized in this project.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> The minimum mailing lists will be needed:
>  * picagalley-private (with moderated subscriptions)
>  * picagalley-dev
>  * picagalley-commits
>  * picagalley-user
> === Subversion Directory ===
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA picagalley(picagalley)
> === Other Resources ===
> None.
> == Initial Committers ==
> Angela Cymbalak (a DOT cymbalak AT nechtan DOT org) (cla submitted)
> Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org)
> == Affiliations ==
> None.
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Noel Bergman
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Martin Cooper
> Roland Weber
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
> We kindly ask the Incubator to sponsor this project.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Will Glass-Husain

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