On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:14 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, it just looked odd to have it at the same level as the README, N & L
> files.

Agreed, however there's also a lot of people who just ftp the files to the
their shared webhost and expect it to work, so to try to make it work for
the most basic end-users too, this seemed the best solution.

> The file php/README has trivial typo:
> (if your running from svn ...
> s/your/you're/
> but more importantly does not explain how to deploy a release tarball.

I've fixed both these issues. Deploying the release tarbal is as simple as
'copy / upload the files to the webroot', and all the instructions are
identical except for one DirectoryRoot, so that's been clarified.

Thanks for the feedback!

   -- Chris

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