The podling Status page hasn't been updated in ages.
Personally i would at least add some News items in there.
That would help to encourage more participants and helps
the IPMC at graduation review time.
There are some items that i expect are already done.
Investigate some other projects status files.

Yes, we're keeping our task list in JIRA instead of the web page, simply because it's a lot easier, and encourages participation more than a static HTML file somewhere. We should probably have a link to the relevant JIRA issues so that the info is in one place (as you well know, information kept in multiple locations is always out of date).

We have multiple news channels out there (a blog, the wiki, an a twitter account). So perhaps we should just feed the Twitter news stream in a badge onto the page?

Clutch shows that there is one new committer since entry.

It should show two new committers; Harry Metske and Florian Holeczek. Don't know why that is.

It gets that from the status News section. I tried to find
your Incubator Proposal wiki page and compare with the current
list of committers, but could not find it.

The incubator proposal wiki page is at

and provide decent patches. Getting more committers
should encourage others.


I suggest practicing ahead of time, as it will be less
frustrating when you go for the real release. Note down
your steps. Look around other projects and TLPs - many
have notes about their release process so that other devs
can assist and can do it themselves next time.

Releasing is a process we've done over many times :-).

Most say that whoever is designated the Release Manager
needs to be prepared to put in a large amount of time.

Unfortunately, nobody over here has a large amount of time available :- (. JSPWiki is *fully* voluntary, which means that other priorities are more important often. This BTW explains our very long incubation time as well.

License headers:
I glanced at some files. Looks okay. If not already done,
then i suggest running RAT or using other tools from the
"committers" repository.

I see that your "LICENSE" file includes references to
the supporting products licenses. Personally i think that
that is a reasonable solution to a hard maintenance problem.
Others say that we are required to display actual text of
all licenses there.

Yes, we chose to put the actual licenses under doc/ with the LICENSE file being a reference to them. Otherwise it becomes a real PITA to maintain, esp. considering that we've been changing our support libraries quite a lot recently.

Hmmm, i think that this file is intended for actual
notices that are requested in the various supporting products

Never really knew the purpose :-)

One thing that you can get ready prior to release
is the distribution area at w.a.o/dist/incubator/jspwiki/


Look around other TLPs. Many have HEADER.html etc. files.
(Yes i know that not many other incubating projects do it.)
For people who stumble directly to mirrors or worse,
directly to w.a.o/dist/ space, rather than going via your
project's download page, these notices encourage them to
download from the mirrors instead, and provide instructions
for download verification. For example see Forrest.
We store those ancillary files in our SVN.

OK, good. And then a script copies it in the right place during release process, I take it?

I am not sure what the requirements are to notify that
the release is by a project in incubation. There are some
docs at site. See the mirror headers
at w.a.o/dist/incubator/ top-level. There is some disclaimer
text there that you might like to use too.

Yes, it's something that we've been wondering... Our release scheme will look interesting with a version numbering such as "JSPWiki-3.0.0- alpha-1-incubating". ;-)

The KEYS file is something else that you can get ready ahead
of release time. Even if it only contains the signature of
the Release Manager. Better with more, of course.

It should be up to date already.

Anyway, i hope that helps a little to ease your next phase.

Thanks; that should help!

One interesting question is what we should do to "" domain. I'm quite willing to give it to ASF, no worries, just to ease any potential trademark issues; but whether ASF wants it is another matter.


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