On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Jan Lehnardt<j...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 21 Aug 2009, at 08:58, ant elder wrote:
>> What do people think about changing the poddling release voting
>> process so that there is just a single vote which is held on the
>> poddlings dev list instead of the dual voting we have now with a
>> poddling dev list vote followed by an general@ vote? This would be
>> similar to the changes done recently for committer and PPMC votes
>> which removed the dual voting and help empower the poddlings. There
>> would of course still be the minimum requirement of 3 +1s from IPMC
>> members, and a notification process so the IPMC is fully aware of the
>> vote. Can work out the details of that later in a formal doc change
>> proposal but first I'd like to see if there's much support for or
>> against such a change?
> Another -1 for many of the reasons stated already. I found the current
> procedure very helpful when incubating CouchDB. I don't think doing
> only the first release here is a good idea.

- 1 as well. The current procedure help us (Apache MyFaces Trinidad)
as well. We did several release here and we gained a lot out of that.


> Cheers
> Jan
> --
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Matthias Wessendorf

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