
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:15 PM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1
>   ...ant
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür
> <reto.bachm...@trialox.org> wrote:
>> Please vote on accepting Apache Clerezza for incubation at the Apache
>> Incubator. The full proposal is available at the end of this message and
>> as a wiki page at http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ClerezzaProposal
>> <http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AceProposal>. We ask the Incubator PMC
>> to sponsor it, with Bertrand as the Champion, and Gianugo, Niclas, Ross,
>> Karl and Reinhard volunteering to be Mentors.
>> Please cast your votes:
>> [ ] +1, bring Clerezza into Incubator
>> [ ] +0, I don't care either way,
>> [ ] -1, do not bring Clerezza into Incubator, because...
>> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and only votes from the Incubator
>> PMC are binding.
>> - - - - - - - - - -
>> Abstract
>> Clerezza is an OSGi-based modular application and set of components
>> (bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic Web applications and services.
>> Proposal
>> Clerezza can be used as a platform providing all the compile and runtime
>> requirement for building semantic applications, or used as individual
>> bundles within an OSGi framework, e.g. Apache Sling, Apache ServiceMix,
>> or the Eclipse platform.
>> Clerezza provides:
>>    * An API modeling the W3C RDF standard without any vendor specific
>> additions.
>>    * Adapter for various triple stores including Sesame, Jena TDB, and
>> Mulgara.
>>    * Front-End adaptors, currently to run applications written against
>> the Jena API. Support for RDF2Go is planned.
>>    * A JAX-RS implementation designed to work in an OSGi environment
>> and allowing to provide Root-Resources as OSGi services.
>>    * Web access to RDF graphs, including a SPARQL-Endpoint.
>>    * Extensions to JAX-RS allowing to bind Root-Resource classes to
>> specific RDF-Types rather than to URI-Paths.
>>    * Templating mechanism (Renderlets) allowing to render RDF resources
>> returned by JAX-RS resource methods to various formats
>>    *
>>      Support for Scala for writing modules, ScalaServerPages to easily
>> write renderlets, DSL for accessing graphs.
>>    * Authentication and authorization based on JAAS and OSGi
>> Conditional Permission Admin
>>    * Support for user bundles: Users can have a permission to upload
>> their own sandboxed bundles. The URI space these bundles are allowed to
>> register their JAX-RS resources can be limited with a prefix.
>>    * Scripting: Scripting based on javax.script (currently support for
>> JRuby and Scala)
>>    * Documentation: Bundles can provide their documentation in RDF.
>> These are used for online documentation as well as for building Maven
>> sites (with a Maven reporting plugin)
>> The RDF abstraction layer can be used independently of other aspects of
>> Clerezza. It allows applications to be written regardless the used
>> backend. In its purpose, it is similar to RDF2Go, but provides a
>> significantly more modular interface allowing e.g. to independently
>> switch the storage, querying, or serialization layer. Furthermore, it
>> doesn't introduce concepts alien to the RDF model such as blank node
>> labels, but is in its core strictly limited to RDF semantics.
>> The JAX-RS implementation can also be used independently of any other
>> components. It allows OSGi services to provide a RESTful interface to
>> their methods. By being based on wymiwyg WRHAPI, it can run both on the
>> default OSGi Web Service as well as on a jetty instance listening on a
>> different port.
>> Background
>> The current web trends focusing on information sharing, interoperability
>> and collaboration. Therefore the behaviour of the end-user has changed
>> over the last years: end-users not only consuming information they also
>> producing content anytime anywhere - in contrast to non-interactive
>> websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information
>> that is provided to them. Since the end-users are sensitized to the
>> possibilities of the web the web application requirements increases.
>> Examples of such applications are social-networking sites, wikis, blogs
>> and mashups.
>> The REST paradigm and Semantic Web technologies support these trends and
>> form the basis for the upcoming Web of Data (a.k.a. linked data, Web
>> 3.0). They change the paradigms for developing complex Web applications.
>> Clerezza allows to develop applications that integrate perfectly in the
>> Semantic Web providing all accessible resources in machine
>> understandable formats without imposing additional burdens on the
>> developer. Additionally, thanks to the flexibility of the RDF model used
>> as back-end, some tedious database related tasks required for
>> traditional Web application development are no longer needed.
>> Rationale
>> Most Web application framework are not designed to leverage the full
>> power of HTTP but often try to reproduce non Web design patterns for the
>> Web environment. In general, application frameworks are oriented towards
>> relational or hierarchical data structures. While attempts to overcome
>> this such as Drupal have become very popular, they do not at their core
>> base on the stack of Semantic Web standards. Clerezza will prove that
>> the flexibility of the RDF doesn't result in increased complexity, but
>> on the contrary allows for fast prototyping and development.
>> Initial Goals
>> The initial goals for Clerezza are:
>>    * Donate the existing codebase and import it.
>>    * Setup the incubation infrastructure (svn repository, build system,
>> website), so we can run continuous builds with automated tests and
>> publish all available documentation.
>>    * Get people involved in advancing the code base in different
>> directions, integrating it with other projects at Apache.
>>    * Prepare for an initial release that demonstrates the systems core
>> capabilities.
>> Current Status
>> The current codebase is developed and tested using Apache Felix. It has
>> been developed intensively and reviewed at trialox since August 2008
>> using Scrum, with a development process emphasizing individual
>> accountability and reviews. We have internally demonstrated that we can
>> release codes as scheduled. Platform core functionalities are available,
>> however the need for new features may arise, performance and robustness
>> could be improved. Incomplete documentation for the project is available
>> with the individual artifacts, both in the generated maven sites as in a
>> version available exposed by Clerezza at runtime. We also have a wiki at
>> http://wiki.trialox.org with some information mainly on the development
>> process. We also use mailing lists for communication among developers
>> and users.
>> Meritocracy
>> The core developers understand what it means to have a process based on
>> meritocracy. We will provide continuous efforts to build an environment
>> that supports this, encouraging community members to contribute.
>> Community
>> Trialox has been developing the current codebase since August 2008.
>> Trialox was founded in partnership with the University of Zurich and
>> could benefit from previous research work at the Department of
>> Informatics. Part of the team from the beginning was Reto Bachmann Gmür
>> who has been developing open source Semantic Web applications for many
>> years, including working with the Jena team at HP Labs.
>> Trialox has contributed to the JAX-RS specification. Some of the code
>> written by trialox is used by Open Source projects such Paxle and Gradino.
>> Clerreza is used by globally active non-profit organisations such as the
>> WWF. These organisations have strong developer networks including
>> motivated volunteers, which will contribute to Clerezza.
>> Core Developers
>> People from Trialox, the University of Zurich, as well as partner
>> companies of Trialox have contributed to the project. Currently, the
>> following persons are core developers of Clerezza:
>>    * Manuel Innerhofer, Developer at Trialox since November 2008.
>>    * Hasan Hasan, Developer and Senior Researcher at University of
>> Zurich since 2006, developing Clerezza since August 2008. His current
>> research interests cover P2P networking, Service Level management, and
>> Internet security.
>>    * Tsuyoshi Ito, Developer and Scrum Master at Trialox, developing
>> Clerezza since August 2008. He has researched at the University of
>> Zurich since 2005. His research interest was computer-supported Learning
>> (Educational Engineering)
>>    * Reto Bachmann-Gmür, Developer and Architect at Trialox, developing
>> Clerezza since August 2008.
>> Alignment
>> We provide a launcher which runs Clerezza's bundles within Apache Felix.
>> We also provide feedback about the usage of Apache Felix and its
>> components including the framework security via the mailing list. For
>> building Clerezza's bundles we use Apache Maven and various plugins. We
>> also have developed a plugin to help managing projects which contain
>> ontologies, so that Java classes representing those ontologies can be
>> pre-compiled. Other projects which based on Web services and/or RDF can
>> benefit from Clerezza or its specific bundles. We are open to
>> collaborate with other Apache projects which can benefit from
>> functionality provided by Clerezza. Clerezza has the advantage of being
>> very modular and independent of application frameworks, thus can be
>> easily integrated with other Apache projects. UIMA and Tika come to
>> mind, as they would help extract semantic information from various data
>> types and formats. An alignment to the JAX-RS implementation in Apache
>> CXF could not only help removing the dependencies to the CDDL-licensed
>> code taken from Jersey but also help providing a fully framework
>> independent implementation with a larger group of developers and thus
>> higher quality.
>> Known Risks
>> The current team of Clerezza core developers is small, but being an
>> innovative project in the semantic "space", we are confident that
>> Clerezza can attract new developers.
>> Clerezza has been started as an Open Source project providing mercurial
>> repository for public access to source codes and also a publicly
>> accessible JIRA instance for issues tracking. Clerezza is licensed since
>> project begin under Apache License version 2.0. Some of the initial
>> committers already have strong experiences with Open Source software
>> development. Others, while not being totally inexperience, are willing
>> to learn.
>> The risk that Clerezza will be an orphaned product is considered small.
>> Three main factors will avoid this to happen:
>>    * Trialox and its founder Getunik have a vital interest in continuos
>> development in this open source foundation
>>    * Clerezza is used as foundation for research as well a student
>> projects at the University of Zurich
>>    * There is a strong commitment by Reto Bachmann-Gmür to maintain
>> Clerezza
>>    * WWF expressed their support to deploy Clerezza
>> Documentation
>> A small set of further documentation is available under the following links:
>>    *
>> http://trialox.org/projects/org.clerezza.rdf.core/documentation/overview.xhtml
>>    *
>> http://trialox.org/projects/org.clerezza.triaxrs.parent/org.clerezza.triaxrs/documentation/
>> Initial Source
>> Clerezza has been in development since mid 2008. Public access to the
>> source is provided through http://scm.trialox.org/.
>> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
>> The current codebase is owned by trialox, and will be donated together
>> with its documentation. We will get the paperwork out of the way as soon
>> as possible.
>> External Dependencies
>> There are quite a few open source libraries already used. They have
>> Apache compatible licenses, with one issue to solve around Jersey which
>> is CDDL.
>> The libraries, their sources and licenses are listed here:
>> Apache Felix, ASL:
>>    * Framework
>>    * Framework Security
>>    * Configuration Admin
>>    * maven-scr-plugin
>>    * maven-bundle-plugin
>> OSGi Alliance, ASL:
>>    * Core
>>    * Compendium
>> Apache Maven, ASL:
>>    * apache-maven
>> Eclipse, ASL:
>>    * Jetty
>> OPS4J, ASL:
>>    * Pax Exam
>>    * Pax Logging
>>    * Pax protocol mvn-uri
>>    * wrhapi
>>    * wymiwyg-commons
>> jQuery, MIT license:
>>    * jquery
>> Hewlett-Packard Development Company, BSD License:
>>    * Jena (for the optional jena forntend adaptor, as well as for jena
>> based serializer/parser)
>>    * Jena TDB (for the optional tdb backend adaptor)
>> OpenRDF.org, BSD license (for the optional sesame backend adaptor):
>>    * Sesame
>> Mulgara.org, Open Software License ("OSL") v. 3.0 (for the optional
>> mulgara backend adaptor):
>>    * mulgara
>> XSite (http://xsite.codehaus.org/), BSD license:
>>    * xsite-maven-plugin
>> Jersey (https://jersey.dev.java.net/), CDDL license
>> The current code bases on code licensed under the CDDL, according to
>> http://apache.org/legal/resolved.html we understand we have to get rid
>> of these before making a release, or redistribute in binary form only.
>> The following files are affected.
>>    * QualityFactor.java
>>    * HttpDateFormat.java
>>    * HttpHeaderReaderImpl.java
>>    * UriPattern.java
>>    * UriComponent.java
>>    * HttpHeaderListAdapter.java
>>    * MultivaluedMapImpl.java
>>    * HttpHeaderReader.java
>>    * ByteArrayProvider.java
>>    * SourceProvider.java
>>    * AbstractMessageReaderWriterProvider.java
>>    * StreamingOutputProvider.java
>>    * FormMultivaluedMapProvider.java
>>    * FileProvider.java
>>    * ReaderProvider.java
>>    * InputStreamProvider.java
>>    * MediaTypeProvider.java
>>    * EntityTagProvider.java
>>    * CacheControlProvider.java
>>    * NewCookieProvider.java
>>    * CookieProvider.java
>> Required Resources
>> Mailing lists:
>>    * clerezza-dev
>>    * clerezza-commits
>>    * clerezza-user (only after leaving the incubator)
>> Subversion:
>>    * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/clerezza
>> Issue Tracking:
>>    * JIRA: Apache Clerezza (Clerezza)
>> Initial Committers
>> These committers have either worked on the initial codebase (Reto,
>> Immanuel, Tsuy, Hasan) or expressed an interest in extending the project:
>>    * Reto Bachmann-Gmür (trialox)
>>    * Manuel Innerhofen (trialox)
>>    * Tsuyoshi Ito (trialox)
>>    * Hasan Hasan (University of Zurich)
>>    * Bertrand Delacretaz (ASF member, Day Software)
>>    * Michael Marth (Day Software)
>>    * Tommaso Teofili (Apache UIMA committer)
>> Affiliations
>> Manuel Innerhofen, Tsuyoshi Ito and Reto Bachmann-Gmür work at trialox
>> and might get paid to work on Clerezza.
>> Hasan Hasan from University of Zurich is paid to work in a project that
>> is based on Clerezza.
>> Michael Marth and Bertrand Delacretaz work for Day Software.
>> Sponsors
>> We have approached both the champion and an initial list of mentors that
>> have agreed to mentor this project.
>> Champion:
>>    * Bertrand Delacretaz
>> Mentors:
>>    * Gianugo Rabellino
>>    * Niclas Hedhman
>>    * Ross Gardler
>>    * Karl Pauls
>>    * Reinhard Pötz
>> Sponsor:
>>    * Apache Incubator
>> --
>> Reto Bachmann-Gmür
>> trialox.org
>> Tel: +41445005015
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- Mohammad Nour
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