On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Ross Gardler
<ross.gard...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2009/12/1 Scott Wilson <scott.bradley.wil...@gmail.com>:
>> "On http://incubator.apache.org/wookie/ is it possible to add somewhere that
>> the original development was funded by the European Commission through the
>> TENCompetence Project?"
> I see no reason why this should not be allowed.

Agreed! If the project feels its appropriate to do something like
that, it's quite ok. One particularly relevant example I can think of
is HTTPD crediting NCSA [1], so we have in fact a loooong tradition of
doing this kind of thing :)

> please add the link as a nofollow to avoid upsetting any sponsors
> (who only have nofollow links).

Yep. Other kinds of foreign branding like an external project logo are
probably also best avoided.

> One reason why others don't credit the original source of the code is
> that it might give an impression that company X owns the code and thus
> impacts the impartiality of the project. However, given that, in this
> case, we are talking about public funding in the EU I don't see that
> as an issue here.

Hmm, I would actually not be that worried either if it was a company
credit. As long as such statements are (a) true and (b) they don't
interfere with sponsoring efforts. I think what's most important is to
stick to facts and provide relevant information to users and
(potential) contributors. I think a project's origin is relevant
(though it probably becomes less relevant over time).



[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/ABOUT_APACHE

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