Allow me to introduce an Arabic name, cause I really would like to see
a project in a well known open community like ASF with an Arabic name
at least for once :D.

The Arabic word for validation is "Mohaqeq", which also means to
investigate the validity of something. Thoughts ?

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 PM, Nick Kew <> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:51:35 -0500
> Donald Woods <> wrote:
>> I'm open to suggestions.... BeanValidation, OpenValidation, Validera, ...
> Any of those work for me, though OpenValidation has a hint of the
> same problem.  BeanValidation might be ideal, and scans better than,
> say JSR303-Validation :)
> I'm looking at it from a perspective of not polluting global namespace.
> Someone who's never heard of it (or even Java beans) might be looking
> for validation of their own process of interest, whether it be in a
> computing field (HTML validation, signature validation, ...)
> or somewhere completely different (Tax return validation,
> Fire Safety Compliance Validation ...).  A project called "Validation"
> will turn up when they google - especially if someone's successive blog
> entries are about "[this] Validation" and "my tax return".  So the name
> should carry some hint about it.
> --
> Nick Kew
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