I think that this is a very interesting project and looked at it
several times. Unfortunately, I don't have the cycles to take on
Mentoring at this time, just showing general support for you to move
on, i.e. get a Champion and together pen the formal proposal, which
most people here would use to gauge the feasibility. Risk of not being
accepted after putting in a lot of work is there, but knowing this
project I think a well formulated proposal will make it a


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Dan Haywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We're considering proposing a group of related open source projects to the
> Apache Incubator.  At an unconference a few weekends ago I met and sounded
> out Bertrand Delacrataz and Lars Eilebrecht, who suggested a brief posting
> here would be a good first step.
> So: the Apache Isis (?) project will provide the ability to rapidly develop
> domain-driven applications.  Built on the Naked Objects framework
> (http://nakedobjects.org) and a number of related sister projects
> (http://starobjects.org), it allows full stack apps to be built just by
> writing pojo domain objects.  Technically, it's somewhat akin to an ORM, but
> rather than just automatically persisting your objects, it automatically
> provides all the other necessary layers.  This means that the development
> goes very very quickly, focusing on the bit that really matters; the
> business application.
> One particularly important aspect is the ability to customise the generated
> UIs.  The framework supports pluggable viewers running either as webapps and
> RIA, and uses existing libraries such as Apache Wicket to support
> customisation. The framework as a whole is customisable and provides a
> plugin architecture to allow the other components to be pluggable.
> For some time Naked Objects, the framework, has elicited interest from
> "early adopters", but our community remains small.  We're hoping that Apache
> will provide a platform by which we can grow our community into the "early
> majority".  We can demonstrate the commitment to do this (two books have
> been written on Naked Objects).  Until recently there were just two main
> committers, both freelancer developers based in the UK.  Since then we have
> picked up three new committers (in Sweden, USA and South Africa), two
> directly attributable to the publication of the second of these books in Dec
> 2009.
> From our understanding of the Apache process, our proposal will need some
> mentors and a sponsor.  Vincent Massol (Maven) has already offered, as has
> James Carman (Wicket).  We're hoping that this post might interest a few
> more, in which case we'll post a formal project proposal.
> Thanks for reading this, looking forward to your replies.
> Dan Haywood
> Robert Matthews
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Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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