On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> ...The first idea should be fairly straightforward: that for
> the projects I participate in (so far thrift and sis), that
> the IPMC delegates to the PPMC the decision-making process
> for voting in new committers: basically rolling back the clock
> to May 1, 2007 on guides/ppmc.html....

+1, but I think we should require at least one +1 from a mentor in
those votes, to make sure mentors are following the action. And
mentors or IPMC members making the account requests.

> The second idea is more controversial: to hold IPMC votes to
> admit all significant committers to those projects to the IPMC
> itself.  The purpose of this concept is to allow those who
> best know the codebase to provide IPMC oversight over it,
> especially as it pertains to releases....

Sounds good to me, having PPMC members participate in the IPMC helps
cross-pollination of ideas.

Here as well, I'd require the mentors to nominate those significant
committers, as another way of making sure mentors are involved in the

-Bertrand (didn't read the whole thread yet - holidays ;-)

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