+1 (binding)


--- On Wed, 9/1/10, Dan Haywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Dan Haywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [VOTE] Isis to enter the incubator
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: nakedobjects-contribut...@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9:42 AM
>  The Isis proposal has now been
> updated with a champion and several new mentors (thanks
> again guys), and is ready to be voted on.
> The proposal is at: http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/IsisProposal , the
> text is also copied below.
> Please, cast your vote.
> [ ] +1, please indicate whether binding
> [ ] =0
> [ ] -1, please indicate your reason
> I'll close the vote at end of Monday 6th Sept PST, to
> include the weekend and the US' Labor Day holiday. That's
> about 6 days (144 hours) from now.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --------------------------------------
> = Isis Proposal =
> The following presents the proposal for creating a new
> project within the Apache Software Foundation called Isis.
> == Abstract ==
> Isis will be an extensible standards-based framework to
> rapidly develop and enterprise level deploy domain-driven
> (DDD) applications.
> == Proposal ==
> The Isis project will bring together a collection of open
> source projects that collectively support the rapid
> development of domain-driven applications. The heart of Isis
> is the Naked Objects Framework, an established open source
> project that has been around since 2002. In addition, it
> will incorporate a number of sister projects that build on
> Naked Objects' pluggable architecture and which extend the
> reach of Naked Objects in several key areas.
> In addition, the project will be reorganising the existing
> projects to logically separate out the components into 
> [[http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/1.0.1-Final/en-US/html/|JSR-299]]
> beans. We believe that the JSR-299 programming model is
> likely to become widely used for enterprise Java
> applications; adopting it should make it easier for new
> contributors to understand how the framework fits together
> and therefore to develop their own extensions. In turn, we
> hope this will further extend the reach of the framework to
> other complementary open source frameworks (either within
> Apache or outside of it).
> == Background ==
> Naked Objects is an open source Java framework that was
> originally developed to explore the idea of enterprise
> systems that treat the user as a "problem solver, not a
> process follower". Conceived by Richard Pawson, the first
> version of the framework was written by Robert Matthews
> (2002). Richard and Rob also wrote a book, Naked Objects
> (Wiley, 2002), to explain the idea.
> More generally, Naked Objects is an implementation of the
> naked objects architectural pattern. In its purest form,
> "all" the developer has to do is develop their domain model
> as pojos; Naked Objects then provides: a object-oriented
> user interface by rendering those pojos; persistence by
> extracting the content of the pojos; security by wrapping
> access to the pojos; remoting by turning local calls into
> remote ones; and localisation by adapting all the names used
> in the metamodel. All of this is done reflectively at
> runtime so that the developer can concentrate on the most
> important aspect - the application itself. You can think of
> Naked Objects' OOUI generation as analogous to Hibernate and
> other ORMs, but rather than reflecting the pojo into the
> persistence layer, they are reflected into the presentation
> layer. A number of other open source frameworks cite it as
> their inspiration, including [[http://jmatter.org|JMatter]], 
> [[http://openxava.org|OpenXava]], and 
> [[http://www.trailsframework.org|Trails]].
> Over this time Naked Objects has attracted a fair degree of
> attention among the early adopter crowd, generally splitting
> opinion as either a very good idea or a very bad one. A
> common misconception is that naked objects is only
> appropriate for simple CRUD based applications. While
> developing CRUD applications is indeed trivial, an important
> innovation is that the UI generated by NO also renders the
> pojo's commands/behaviors (we call them actions). Simply
> stated: any public method that does not represent a property
> or collection is rendered so it can be invoked, eg with a
> button, a menu item or a hyperlink. We characterize entities
> with such behaviors as "behaviorally complete". It's OO as
> your mother taught it to you.
> At the same time that we have been developing our ideas on
> the naked objects, there has been a resurgent interest in
> object modelling at the enterprise level, specifically as
> described by Eric Evans' book, [[http://domaindrivendesign.org/books|Domain 
> Driven
> Design]]. Recognizing that there's a lot of synergy between
> the two ideas, the NO framework now uses DDD terminology,
> such as repository, domain service and value.
> As mentioned in the proposal section, Isis will consist of
> both the original NO framework, along with a number of
> sister projects. These sister projects were written by Dan
> Haywood to support a book he wrote about the framework, 
> [[http://pragprog.com/titles/dhnako|Domain
> Driven Design using Naked Objects]] (Pragmatic Bookshelf,
> 2009). The intent of these projects was to demonstrate the
> pluggable nature of the framework.
> Both Naked Objects and its sister projects are under the
> ASL v2 license.
> Not directly related to this proposal but worth mentioning:
> Naked Objects has also been ported to the .NET platform, as
> a commercial product. Richard Pawson, the originator of the
> naked objects pattern, now devotes his energies to the 
> [[http://nakedobjects.net|.NET version]] and is no longer
> involved in the open source Java version. Conversely, Rob
> Matthews, the originator of the framework and a co-author of
> this proposal, now devotes his energies to the Java version,
> not the .NET one.
> == Rationale ==
> We recognize that the key to open source projects long-term
> success is a large user base, along with a goodly number of
> diverse active and enthusiastic committers. Being brutally
> honest, we cannot claim to have either. That said, we are
> not naive enough to think that entrance into the Apache
> incubator will automatically bring us these things. Rather,
> we believe it will give us a platform to more effectively
> publicize the project so that it can succeed. It will also
> allow us to take advantage of the collaborative environment
> that the Apache Software Foundation provides. Attracting a
> diverse group of developers will also provide the
> opportunity for significant advancements and improvements to
> the Isis framework, making it more useful for more people.
> There are, then, several reasons for us wanting to
> contribute the framework to Apache.
> First, it helps us legitimize the "naked objects" concept.
> Notwithstanding the fact that the project has attracted its
> fair share of nay-sayers, as its developers we remain
> convinced of its usefulness and contribution to enterprise
> development in general. Most significantly, (v2.0 of) Naked
> Objects was used to develop the online application for
> benefits administration of pensions and other state benefits
> for the Irish Government. This project went live in 2006, is
> used by 1500+ users on a day-by-day basis, consists of an
> enterprise domain model of approximately 500 entities, and
> pushes out a new release each month. Richard and Dan remain
> consultants to this project; we would dearly like others to
> reap the benefit of building enterprise applications in this
> way.
> Second, and as already mentioned, it gives us a platform on
> which to publicize. The Naked Objects framework did have its
> moment in the sun about 5~6 years back, but, at that time,
> it was under a GPL license rather than ASL v2. We were also
> solely focused in developing the aforementioned benefits
> system, rather than building an open source community. One
> could argue that we had an opportunity and we blew it; at
> any rate what we hope is that Apache will give us an
> opportunity to build up a new community. At Devoxx 2009 we
> ran an informal poll to get opinions of Naked Objects, from
> "best thing since sliced bread", through "fundamentally
> flawed", to "never heard of it". There were 5x as many votes
> in "never heard of it" as there were in all of the other
> columns. That can either be taken as very disappointing, or
> as an opportunity. We prefer the latter interpretation.
> Third, by renaming the project to Isis, it gives us a
> chance to reposition the framework. While the "naked
> objects" pattern is important, we also want to emphasize
> domain-driven design. Alistair Cockburn's hexagonal (or
> "ports and adapters") architecture is another influence; the
> plugins that the NO framework supports (see 
> [[http://nakedobjects.org/plugins|nakedobjects.org/plugins]])
> are either ports/adapters from the presentation layer, or
> ports/adapters to the persistence layer. Furthermore, the
> newer UI viewers that we have been developing allow the UI
> to be customized in various ways and to various extents; so
> the pojos are not necessarily naked, they are lightly (or
> heavily!) clad. And also, being blunt, that term "naked",
> while attracting the "bleeding edge" guys, tends to be a
> turn-off for the "early majority" who we now want to
> target.
> Fourth, it removes doubt over its direction. Currently the
> NO framework is ASLv2 but copyright Naked Objects Group Ltd
> (NOGL), with Richard Pawson still the figurehead of the
> naked objects movement. As already mentioned, NOGL's energy
> is in their commercial .NET product. They are happy to
> donate the relevant rights to this software to Apache
> because they recognise that the framework is already
> critically dependent upon the open source community, so this
> is the best way to encourage greater take up, and ensure its
> future. Changing the name of the Java version also means it
> removes confusion in the market place as to what Naked
> Objects framework is (ie a .NET product only). Meanwhile the
> rights to the various sister projects that Dan has written
> would also be donated to ASF. Having a single legal entity -
> ASF - owning rights for all of this software would be very
> desirable; we think it might prompt others to explore the
> framework.
> Fifth, the synergies with other Apache projects will help
> us meet our ambition to make the framework easier to extend.
> There are two principle extension points of the framework:
> viewers, and object stores. While we do understand that it
> isn't a goal of Apache per se to create a portfolio of
> frameworks, we hope that being part of the Apache family
> might encourage members of these other communities to help
> us develop new viewers or object stores. One of the sister
> projects provides a customizable viewer that uses Wicket;
> since pre-announcing this proposal on the incubator mailing
> list we've had one expression of interest to develop a new
> viewer using Tapestry.
> The 'domain services' angle of DDD also means there are
> opportunities to integrate with frameworks that aren't just
> about presentation or persistence; in Dan's book he sketches
> out an integration with [[camel.apache.org|Camel]; there are
> multiple opportunities here. We also hope to tap into
> expertise to help us refactor the framework components into
> JSR-299 beans. Again, we've had an expression of interest
> from the incubator mailing list along these lines.
> Sixth, it isn't finished. As has been pointed out to us,
> projects whose codebases are finished don't make for good
> project candidates. Isis, though, will probably never be
> truly finished. The hexagonal architecture, as we think of
> it, is about plugging in different presentation and
> persistence layers. We have several viewers that are in
> active development (including the Wicket, and a
> RESTful-based viewer), and object stores too (BerkleyDB,
> MongoDB, vanilla SQL). But there are lots of UI frameworks
> we haven't even started on, either Apache's own (eg Click,
> Tapestry, [[http://myfaces.apache.org/|MyFaces]],
> Pivot, …) or external (eg [[http://vaadin.com|Vaadin]], Portals, Android, 
> JavaFX,
> [[http://netbeans.org|NetBeans]] RCP, Eclipse RCP,
> Eclipse RAP, FLEX, Silverlight, …). The same is true for
> persistence technologies, both internal to Apache (eg 
> [[http://couchdb.apache.org/|CouchDB]], 
> [[http://openjpa.apache.org|OpenJPA]], Cassandra,
> Cayenne, HBase, iBATIS, ...) and external (eg neo4j, db4o,
> [[http://labs.google.com/papers/bigtable.html|BigTable]],
> Amazon S3, JCloud … ). And… there are also lots of
> development tools that could be built, either IDE
> integrations, or into build tools such as Maven.
> In summary: we hope that incubation will allow us to
> develop Isis into a standards-based framework for building
> domain-driven apps, appealing both to its user community
> (who just want to use it "out-of-the-box") and to its
> contributor community (who want to quickly understand how it
> works and what is required to extend it).
> == Initial Source ==
> === 1. Combine the codebases ===
> Both the core Naked Objects framework and the sister
> projects reside in Subversion trees, hosted on 
> [[http://sourceforge.net|SourceForge]]:
> * nakedobjects.sourceforge.net
> * wicketobjects.sourceforge.net
> * restfulobjects.sourceforge.net
> * jpaobjects.sourceforge.net
> * testedobjects.sourceforge.net ([[http://fitnesse.org/|FitNesse]], 
> [[http://www.concordion.org/|Concordion]])
> * groovyobjects.sourceforge.net
> These will need to be moved into a single Subversion tree,
> hosted on Apache infrastructure.
> === 2. Rationalize the builds ===
> Both the NO codebase and the sister projects are built
> using Maven 2. It shouldn't be difficult to combine these
> into a single build.
> === 3. Standardize package names ===
> Naked Objects package names are currently:
> * org.nakedobjects.applib.* and org.nakedobjects.service.*
> for the applib and domain services
> * org.nakedobjects.core.* for the core
> * org.nakedobjects.plugins.xxx for each plugin
> These should move, respectively, to
> * org.apache.isis.application.*
> * org.apache.isis.core.* and
> * org.apache.isis.alternatives.xxx (we expect that plugins
> will become 
> [[http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/1.0.1-Final/en-US/html/injection.html#alternatives|alternatives]]
> under JSR-299).
> The sister projects package names are currently:
> * org.starobjects.wicket.* (for wicket objects)
> * org.starobjects.restful.* (for restful objects)
> etc.
> Because these are all just plugins/alternatives, they
> should just move to org.apache.isis.alternatives.*.
> === 4. Move the version number down. ===
> To emphasize the fact that this is a new project not yet
> considered complete, we will move the number back down to
> < 1.0, eg v0.1. This will allow us to work on a number of
> releases, hopefully getting to 1.0 as and when we graduate
> from the incubator.
> === 5. Establish continuous integration ===
> The Naked Objects framework currently builds on its own
> Hudson server; we would move this over to run on Apache
> infrastructure.
> === 6. Rationalize documentation ===
> The documentation for the sister projects is reasonably
> up-to-date, but the documentation for Naked Objects needs
> rationalizing, aligning with the core component and the
> various plugins. This will help make the framework more
> digestible to new users/would-be committers; they can focus
> on the core, or a bit of the core (say, the metamodel), or
> work on just one plugin.
> === 7. Rationalize the Maven sites ===
> Related to above, we need to "tell the story better" so
> that would-be users can see what benefits using the
> framework will bring (and, conversely, what freedom they
> give up in adopting a framework).
> === 8. Review/copy over outstanding tickets. ===
> There are a number of tickets in the Naked Objects TRAC
> wiki. These should be either moved over, or fixed.
> == Initial Goals ==
> The following outlines some of the goals we have set
> ourselves during incubation. Of course, these may change as
> we proceed and learn more.
> * Prepare ground by defining the 3 area of Isis:
> Application; Framework; and Plugin.
> * Address (either fix or transfer) all tickets from Naked
> Objects TRAC wiki.
> * Ensure existing documentation (of which there is a
> reasonable amount) is correctly related to each project now
> that the documentation has been separated out.
> * v 0.1 - source code combination and rationalization (as
> per above).
> * v 0.2 - refactor components to JSR-299, while maintaining
> backwards compatibility for bootstrapping.
> * v 0.3 - JPA persistor ported from Hibernate to Apache
> OpenJPA.
> * v 0.4 - integrate with JMX for runtime management;
> provide profiling of client/server and webapps (eg
> serialization vs domain logic vs domain services vs object
> store timings).
> * v 0.5 - write contract tests for all major plugin APIs
> (object stores, authentication, authorization, remoting).
> We also have a number of overarching goals:
> * steadily improve the code coverage
> * clean up the APIs. Some of the code dates back to Java
> 1.1 (at one point in time the code was cross-compiled into
> J# code); so there is opportunity to use more generics and
> remove use of arrays
> * steadily reduce the amount of proprietary code, and the
> code size in general; use newer libraries such as
> google-collections more extensively.
> As well as the work going on to create the Isis project
> there are a number of components that are in the works, and
> that will be released as they are ready:
> * Scimpi web application release.
> * Introduce dynamic view design into the DnD viewer.
> * [[http://wicket.apache.org|Wicket]] viewer release.
> * NOSQL persistor release (using [[http://couchdb.apache.org|CouchDB]], 
> [[http://www.mongodb.org/|MongoDB]] and 
> [[http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/overview/index.html|BerkeleyDB]]).
> * SQL persistor release.
> * CLI viewer release.
> * Portal integration: Examine and implement support for
> compatible portals. Under consideration: 
> [[http://www-01.ibm.com/software/websphere/portal/|WebSphere
> Portal Server]].
> Whether these are part of incubation or not will depend on
> whether we feel we have reached a self-sustaining community
> (but it's more likely than not that they will be released
> during incubation). Equally, there may be other
> viewers/persistors using other technologies that might be
> implemented during incubation.
> == Current Status ==
> Naked Objects 4.0.0 was released at the end of 2009,
> broadly corresponding to the release of Dan's book.This is
> released into the Maven central repo, along with an
> application archetype for quick-start. The three sister
> projects mentioned in Dan's book (restful, tested, jpa) are
> at 1.0-beta-3, but not formally released into the Maven
> central repo. The remaining sister projects are in alpha
> status.
> The main committers for the codebases to date have been
> Robert Matthews and Dan Haywood. Both Rob and Dan work on
> the NOF core, and each also works independently (reflecting
> their individual interests) on their respective plugins.
> Much work was done on the core by both Rob and Dan leading
> up to the release of NOF 4.0.0, and we are now reasonably
> happy with it. Much work remains (see above) in the area of
> plugins/alternatives; there is work to complete and improve
> the existing ones and many opportunities to develop new
> ones.
> We readily support users on the NO forum (on 
> [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/nakedobjects/forums/|SourceForge]])
> and also on the forum for Dan's book (on pragprog.com). As a
> consequence of Dan's book, a GWT-based viewer (non open
> source) has been developed separately, and we have provided
> support for this (and hope it will be contributed back to
> the framework in the future).
> Over the years we have received some patches for the
> framework, which we have incorporated, but not many. Part of
> the reason for this, we believe, is that until NOF 4.0.0 it
> had a monolithic architecture, making it difficult for
> would-be contributors to provide small patches. We think
> that NOF 4.0.0 improves in this area, but a move to JSR-299
> would be a major step forward to help bring up
> participation.
> == Community ==
> We recognize that the lack of a large (or at least, vocal)
> user community is the weakest part of our proposal. That
> said, we do have a steady trickle of queries on both the
> Naked Objects forum, and on the forum for Dan's book.
> Getting NOF 4.0.0 released has rekindled interest in at
> least one long-time user who is helping Rob to test one of
> the object store plugins, while we've also picked up
> commitment to help with this Apache proposal from a couple
> of people via the book forum.
> To help build up our community we intend to:
> * ensure that the website and documentation is first-rate
> (see initial goals, above)
> * make sure that the Isis code can be easily used and
> understood
> * court other open source projects with compatible
> technologies to work on integrations with Isis
> * write a series of articles for leading web journals, eg
> theserverside.com, javaworld.com, artima.com. We would want
> to point out that we were in the Apache Incubator, and
> actively looking for help
> * submit sessions to Devoxx and similar, Java-focused,
> conferences; again we'd trade on the Apache Incubator
> status.
> We also hope that some of the newer members of our
> community will help us identify what the roadblocks are to
> adoption, so that we can address them.
> == Core Developers ==
> The core developers are:
> * Robert Matthews, UK-based independent consultant.
> Original author of the Naked Objects framework, committer to
> the NOF core and primary developer of the NOF plugins (DnD
> viewer, HTML viewer, Scimpi viewer, in-memory !ObjectStore,
> XML !ObjectStore, !BerkeleyDB !ObjectStore, SQL
> !ObjectStore, !MongoDB ObjectStore). Until recently, worked
> for Naked Objects Group Ltd on the commercial .NET version.
> Is now independent and working on apps built using the open
> source Java version.
> * Dan Haywood, UK-based independent consultant. Contributor
> to the Naked Objects framework since 2005; took lead in much
> of the restructuring of the NO architecture for NOF 4.0.0.
> Also primary developer for sister projects plugins
> (!RestfulObjects viewer, !WicketObjects viewer, JPA
> !ObjectStore, !TestedObjects "viewer", Groovy support).
> Part-time consultant/advisor to the Irish Government project
> (since 2004); also a trainer/consultant in agile, Java, TDD
> etc.
> Additional committers are:
> * Kevin Meyer, South Africa-based freelance developer and
> business analyst. Kevin has been working primarily in a
> testing role, both on the SQL Object Store with Rob and on
> the Wicket viewer with Dan. Kevin has recently started
> contributing fixes to both.
> * Dave Slaughter, US-based developer/consultant who is the
> Lead of the Software and Specialty Engineering group at
> SM&A. Dave has spent his career in the development of
> enterprise applications for companies such as Siemens,
> Sprint and Lockheed Martin. He has started a SWT viewer and
> has also started improving code coverage of the XML
> !ObjectStore.
> * Alexander Krasnukhin, a Swedish-based developer who has
> spent more than a year developing different applications on
> Naked Objects v3.0.3 and spent six months developing a
> closed-source GWT viewer for Naked Objects v4.0 for his
> former employer in Russia (Novosoft). Alexander is
> interested in developing a new viewer for Android.
> As a result of a correspondence on the incubator mailing
> list, we have also had interest from:
> * Mohammad Nour El-Din, Egypt-based committer to Apache
> OpenEJB. Nour has helped us with this proposal relating to
> JSR-299.
> * Ulrich Stark, committer to Apache Tapestry. Uli has
> expressed an interest in developing a Tapstry-based viewer.
> We also have had interest (off list) in developing a Vaadin
> viewer, and we know of a student masters project that has
> developed a (different) Android viewer for Naked Objects
> 4.0, which we're keen to incorporate if we can. We are also
> hoping that we might persuade Alexander's previous employer
> to donate their GWT viewer.
> == Alignment ==
> The current codebase makes heavy use of Apache projects,
> including: Maven, log4j, Apache Commons
> Codec/Collections/CLI/Lang/HttpClient and Wicket.
> There is a particular opportunity to integrate nicely with
> both Wicket and Tapestry. Both Wicket and Tapestry are great
> way of building web UIs, but have little to say about the
> "back-end". Naked Objects, meanwhile, provides a full
> runtime environment with pluggable persistence layers, and
> exposes a metamodel to allow generic or customisable UIs to
> be built rapidly. The currently in-development
> !WicketObjects viewer brings Wickets and Naked Objects
> together, and (as noted above) there has been interest in
> writing a Tapestry viewer.
> Another ongoing integration project is the
> ongoing-development of an object store using MongoDB; the
> intent is to make this codebase a good basis for other
> similar object stores, such as Apache CouchDB.
> There are no Apache projects that we are aware of that
> compete with Naked Objects. At its heart, NO is (a) a
> metamodel, and (b) a container that acts as an abstraction
> over a persistence layer, using the identity map pattern.
> == Known Risks ==
> The biggest risk is that we fail to build a diverse
> community during incubation, opening up the possibility that
> the project could be orphaned.
> That said, there is little risk that either Rob or Dan will
> move onto other interests; we are both independent
> consultants and have the resources and inclination to
> continue working on the codebase. Indeed, with Rob now
> working only on the Java version (and not the .NET one) and
> Dan having finished his book, we have more resources now
> than at any time in the last couple of years.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> Although Naked Objects is an open source project, the
> number of committers is so small then we cannot claim great
> experience with open source. Neither Rob nor Dan are
> committers to any other open source project, though both
> have submitted occasional patches to the various open source
> projects that we use.
> We are, however, comfortable users of open source projects.
> We also appreciate that there are lots of open source
> projects out there and that most developers will form an
> impression of a project without necessarily ever trying it
> out. This is one of the reasons why we feel we need to bring
> the two different codebases together, and create a standard
> message about what Apache Isis is about ("rapid
> development", "domain-driven design", "standard, extensible
> architecture", "customizable UIs").
> == Homogeneous Developers ==
> The two main developers, Rob and Dan, are based in the UK.
> Although we have collaborated on the framework over the
> years, we do not work for the same company and are
> independent.
> The other developers mentioned in this proposal are based
> in South Africa, US, Sweden, Egypt and Germany.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> There are no salaried developers working on the projects.
> The main developers, Dan and Rob, are both independent
> consultants. We use non-billable time to work on the
> codebase, with the view to developing consultancy/services
> from it.
> == Documentation ==
> * [[http://www.nakedobjects.org/Pawson-Naked-Objects-thesis.pdf|Richard
> Pawson's PhD Thesis]], with foreword by Trygve Reenskaug
> * Books:
> * Domain Driven Design using Naked Objects, Dan Haywood
> * [[http://pragprog.com/titles/dhnako|pragprog.com/titles/dhnako]]
> * Naked Objects, Richard Pawson and Rob Matthews book Naked
> Objects
> * full text available online at 
> [[http://nakedobjects.org/book/|nakedobjects.org/book]]
> * [[http://nakedobjects.org|nakedobjects.org]] - current
> website
> * [[http://danhaywood.com|danhaywood.com]] -
> Dan's blog to accompany his book
> * [[http://starobjects.org|starobjects.org]]
> - parent to Dan Haywood's sister projects; references the
> various SF websites for the sister projects
> == Source and IP Submission Plan ==
> As mentioned earlier, the NO framework is ASLv2 but
> copyright belongs to Naked Objects Group Ltd. NOGL is happy
> to donate the relevant rights to Apache, while Dan is also
> happy to donate the various sister projects that he has
> written. Having a single legal entity - ASF - owning the
> relevant rights to all this software would be very
> desirable.
> All the existing committers to the Naked Objects framework
> have formally granted their contributions as the copyright
> of NOGL; there have been no committers to Dan's sister
> projects other than Dan himself.
> According to our checks in email archives and the SVN log,
> there have in addition been patches to the Naked Objects
> framework from 4 other individuals in the community. None of
> these patches is significant, and we don't believe that any
> infringe any other existing IP, and were provided in good
> faith to be the copyright of NOGL. That said, we have
> e-mailed these individuals in order to verify this. Worst
> comes to worst, we can back out their patches (based on svn
> diffs) and reimplement the patches as required. These steps
> will be performed during incubation, before our first
> release.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Other than the Apache dependencies, all other open source
> projects used all have ASL v2.0 (eg Google Collections,
> cglib, objenesis), BSD (eg Hamcrest, ASM), MPL (eg
> javassist) or similarly permissive licenses. We do also have
> a soft dependency on an LGPL-licensed library (Hibernate)
> but during migration would look to migrate to the Apache
> equivalent (OpenJPA).
> == Required Resources ==
> * Subversion
> * Jira
> * Hudson CI server
> * Wiki
> * Website space
> == Mailing Lists ==
> * isis-private
> * isis-dev
> * isis-commits
> * isis-user
> == Subversion Repository ==
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/isis
> == Issue Tracking ==
> Jira; project known as 'isis'
> == Initial Committers ==
> * Robert Matthews
> * Dan Haywood
> * Kevin Meyer
> * Dave Slaughter
> * Alexander Krasnukhin
> == Affiliations ==
> Alexander is employed as a software engineer by Zenterio
> AB. The other committers are independent consultants.
> == Champion ==
> * Mark Struberg
> == Sponsors: Nominated Mentors ==
> * Mark Struberg
> * Benson Marguiles
> * Siegfried Goeschl
> * James Carman
> * Vincent Massol
> == Sponsor ==
> Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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