+1 (not binding)


On 01.09.2010 11:42, Dan Haywood wrote:
The Isis proposal has now been updated with a champion and several new mentors 
(thanks again guys),
and is ready to be voted on.

The proposal is at: http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/IsisProposal , the text is 
also copied below.

Please, cast your vote.

[ ] +1, please indicate whether binding
[ ] =0
[ ] -1, please indicate your reason

I'll close the vote at end of Monday 6th Sept PST, to include the weekend and 
the US' Labor Day
holiday. That's about 6 days (144 hours) from now.


= Isis Proposal =
The following presents the proposal for creating a new project within the 
Apache Software Foundation
called Isis.

== Abstract ==
Isis will be an extensible standards-based framework to rapidly develop and 
enterprise level deploy
domain-driven (DDD) applications.

== Proposal ==
The Isis project will bring together a collection of open source projects that 
collectively support
the rapid development of domain-driven applications. The heart of Isis is the 
Naked Objects
Framework, an established open source project that has been around since 2002. 
In addition, it will
incorporate a number of sister projects that build on Naked Objects' pluggable 
architecture and
which extend the reach of Naked Objects in several key areas.

In addition, the project will be reorganising the existing projects to 
logically separate out the
components into 
[[http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/1.0.1-Final/en-US/html/|JSR-299]] beans. 
believe that the JSR-299 programming model is likely to become widely used for 
enterprise Java
applications; adopting it should make it easier for new contributors to 
understand how the framework
fits together and therefore to develop their own extensions. In turn, we hope 
this will further
extend the reach of the framework to other complementary open source frameworks 
(either within
Apache or outside of it).

== Background ==
Naked Objects is an open source Java framework that was originally developed to 
explore the idea of
enterprise systems that treat the user as a "problem solver, not a process 
follower". Conceived by
Richard Pawson, the first version of the framework was written by Robert 
Matthews (2002). Richard
and Rob also wrote a book, Naked Objects (Wiley, 2002), to explain the idea.

More generally, Naked Objects is an implementation of the naked objects 
architectural pattern. In
its purest form, "all" the developer has to do is develop their domain model as 
pojos; Naked Objects
then provides: a object-oriented user interface by rendering those pojos; 
persistence by extracting
the content of the pojos; security by wrapping access to the pojos; remoting by 
turning local calls
into remote ones; and localisation by adapting all the names used in the 
metamodel. All of this is
done reflectively at runtime so that the developer can concentrate on the most 
important aspect -
the application itself. You can think of Naked Objects' OOUI generation as 
analogous to Hibernate
and other ORMs, but rather than reflecting the pojo into the persistence layer, 
they are reflected
into the presentation layer. A number of other open source frameworks cite it 
as their inspiration,
including [[http://jmatter.org|JMatter]], [[http://openxava.org|OpenXava]], and

Over this time Naked Objects has attracted a fair degree of attention among the 
early adopter crowd,
generally splitting opinion as either a very good idea or a very bad one. A 
common misconception is
that naked objects is only appropriate for simple CRUD based applications. 
While developing CRUD
applications is indeed trivial, an important innovation is that the UI 
generated by NO also renders
the pojo's commands/behaviors (we call them actions). Simply stated: any public 
method that does not
represent a property or collection is rendered so it can be invoked, eg with a 
button, a menu item
or a hyperlink. We characterize entities with such behaviors as "behaviorally 
complete". It's OO as
your mother taught it to you.

At the same time that we have been developing our ideas on the naked objects, 
there has been a
resurgent interest in object modelling at the enterprise level, specifically as 
described by Eric
Evans' book, [[http://domaindrivendesign.org/books|Domain Driven Design]]. 
Recognizing that there's
a lot of synergy between the two ideas, the NO framework now uses DDD 
terminology, such as
repository, domain service and value.

As mentioned in the proposal section, Isis will consist of both the original NO 
framework, along
with a number of sister projects. These sister projects were written by Dan 
Haywood to support a
book he wrote about the framework, [[http://pragprog.com/titles/dhnako|Domain 
Driven Design using
Naked Objects]] (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009). The intent of these projects was 
to demonstrate the
pluggable nature of the framework.

Both Naked Objects and its sister projects are under the ASL v2 license.

Not directly related to this proposal but worth mentioning: Naked Objects has 
also been ported to
the .NET platform, as a commercial product. Richard Pawson, the originator of 
the naked objects
pattern, now devotes his energies to the [[http://nakedobjects.net|.NET 
version]] and is no longer
involved in the open source Java version. Conversely, Rob Matthews, the 
originator of the framework
and a co-author of this proposal, now devotes his energies to the Java version, 
not the .NET one.

== Rationale ==
We recognize that the key to open source projects long-term success is a large 
user base, along with
a goodly number of diverse active and enthusiastic committers. Being brutally 
honest, we cannot
claim to have either. That said, we are not naive enough to think that entrance 
into the Apache
incubator will automatically bring us these things. Rather, we believe it will 
give us a platform to
more effectively publicize the project so that it can succeed. It will also 
allow us to take
advantage of the collaborative environment that the Apache Software Foundation 
provides. Attracting
a diverse group of developers will also provide the opportunity for significant 
advancements and
improvements to the Isis framework, making it more useful for more people.

There are, then, several reasons for us wanting to contribute the framework to 

First, it helps us legitimize the "naked objects" concept. Notwithstanding the 
fact that the project
has attracted its fair share of nay-sayers, as its developers we remain 
convinced of its usefulness
and contribution to enterprise development in general. Most significantly, 
(v2.0 of) Naked Objects
was used to develop the online application for benefits administration of 
pensions and other state
benefits for the Irish Government. This project went live in 2006, is used by 
1500+ users on a
day-by-day basis, consists of an enterprise domain model of approximately 500 
entities, and pushes
out a new release each month. Richard and Dan remain consultants to this 
project; we would dearly
like others to reap the benefit of building enterprise applications in this way.

Second, and as already mentioned, it gives us a platform on which to publicize. 
The Naked Objects
framework did have its moment in the sun about 5~6 years back, but, at that 
time, it was under a GPL
license rather than ASL v2. We were also solely focused in developing the 
aforementioned benefits
system, rather than building an open source community. One could argue that we 
had an opportunity
and we blew it; at any rate what we hope is that Apache will give us an 
opportunity to build up a
new community. At Devoxx 2009 we ran an informal poll to get opinions of Naked 
Objects, from "best
thing since sliced bread", through "fundamentally flawed", to "never heard of 
it". There were 5x as
many votes in "never heard of it" as there were in all of the other columns. 
That can either be
taken as very disappointing, or as an opportunity. We prefer the latter 

Third, by renaming the project to Isis, it gives us a chance to reposition the 
framework. While the
"naked objects" pattern is important, we also want to emphasize domain-driven 
design. Alistair
Cockburn's hexagonal (or "ports and adapters") architecture is another 
influence; the plugins that
the NO framework supports (see 
[[http://nakedobjects.org/plugins|nakedobjects.org/plugins]]) are
either ports/adapters from the presentation layer, or ports/adapters to the 
persistence layer.
Furthermore, the newer UI viewers that we have been developing allow the UI to 
be customized in
various ways and to various extents; so the pojos are not necessarily naked, 
they are lightly (or
heavily!) clad. And also, being blunt, that term "naked", while attracting the 
"bleeding edge" guys,
tends to be a turn-off for the "early majority" who we now want to target.

Fourth, it removes doubt over its direction. Currently the NO framework is 
ASLv2 but copyright Naked
Objects Group Ltd (NOGL), with Richard Pawson still the figurehead of the naked 
objects movement. As
already mentioned, NOGL's energy is in their commercial .NET product. They are 
happy to donate the
relevant rights to this software to Apache because they recognise that the 
framework is already
critically dependent upon the open source community, so this is the best way to 
encourage greater
take up, and ensure its future. Changing the name of the Java version also 
means it removes
confusion in the market place as to what Naked Objects framework is (ie a .NET 
product only).
Meanwhile the rights to the various sister projects that Dan has written would 
also be donated to
ASF. Having a single legal entity - ASF - owning rights for all of this 
software would be very
desirable; we think it might prompt others to explore the framework.

Fifth, the synergies with other Apache projects will help us meet our ambition 
to make the framework
easier to extend. There are two principle extension points of the framework: 
viewers, and object
stores. While we do understand that it isn't a goal of Apache per se to create 
a portfolio of
frameworks, we hope that being part of the Apache family might encourage 
members of these other
communities to help us develop new viewers or object stores. One of the sister 
projects provides a
customizable viewer that uses Wicket; since pre-announcing this proposal on the 
incubator mailing
list we've had one expression of interest to develop a new viewer using 

The 'domain services' angle of DDD also means there are opportunities to 
integrate with frameworks
that aren't just about presentation or persistence; in Dan's book he sketches 
out an integration
with [[camel.apache.org|Camel]; there are multiple opportunities here. We also 
hope to tap into
expertise to help us refactor the framework components into JSR-299 beans. 
Again, we've had an
expression of interest from the incubator mailing list along these lines.

Sixth, it isn't finished. As has been pointed out to us, projects whose 
codebases are finished don't
make for good project candidates. Isis, though, will probably never be truly 
finished. The hexagonal
architecture, as we think of it, is about plugging in different presentation 
and persistence layers.
We have several viewers that are in active development (including the Wicket, 
and a RESTful-based
viewer), and object stores too (BerkleyDB, MongoDB, vanilla SQL). But there are 
lots of UI
frameworks we haven't even started on, either Apache's own (eg Click, Tapestry,
[[http://myfaces.apache.org/|MyFaces]], Pivot, …) or external (eg 
Portals, Android, JavaFX, [[http://netbeans.org|NetBeans]] RCP, Eclipse RCP, 
Eclipse RAP, FLEX,
Silverlight, …). The same is true for persistence technologies, both internal 
to Apache (eg
[[http://couchdb.apache.org/|CouchDB]], [[http://openjpa.apache.org|OpenJPA]], 
Cassandra, Cayenne,
HBase, iBATIS, ...) and external (eg neo4j, db4o,
[[http://labs.google.com/papers/bigtable.html|BigTable]], Amazon S3, JCloud … 
). And… there are also
lots of development tools that could be built, either IDE integrations, or into 
build tools such as

In summary: we hope that incubation will allow us to develop Isis into a 
standards-based framework
for building domain-driven apps, appealing both to its user community (who just 
want to use it
"out-of-the-box") and to its contributor community (who want to quickly 
understand how it works and
what is required to extend it).

== Initial Source ==
=== 1. Combine the codebases ===
Both the core Naked Objects framework and the sister projects reside in 
Subversion trees, hosted on

* nakedobjects.sourceforge.net
* wicketobjects.sourceforge.net
* restfulobjects.sourceforge.net
* jpaobjects.sourceforge.net
* testedobjects.sourceforge.net ([[http://fitnesse.org/|FitNesse]],
* groovyobjects.sourceforge.net

These will need to be moved into a single Subversion tree, hosted on Apache 

=== 2. Rationalize the builds ===
Both the NO codebase and the sister projects are built using Maven 2. It 
shouldn't be difficult to
combine these into a single build.

=== 3. Standardize package names ===
Naked Objects package names are currently:

* org.nakedobjects.applib.* and org.nakedobjects.service.* for the applib and 
domain services
* org.nakedobjects.core.* for the core
* org.nakedobjects.plugins.xxx for each plugin

These should move, respectively, to

* org.apache.isis.application.*
* org.apache.isis.core.* and
* org.apache.isis.alternatives.xxx (we expect that plugins will become
under JSR-299).

The sister projects package names are currently:

* org.starobjects.wicket.* (for wicket objects)
* org.starobjects.restful.* (for restful objects)


Because these are all just plugins/alternatives, they should just move to

=== 4. Move the version number down. ===
To emphasize the fact that this is a new project not yet considered complete, 
we will move the
number back down to < 1.0, eg v0.1. This will allow us to work on a number of 
releases, hopefully
getting to 1.0 as and when we graduate from the incubator.

=== 5. Establish continuous integration ===
The Naked Objects framework currently builds on its own Hudson server; we would 
move this over to
run on Apache infrastructure.

=== 6. Rationalize documentation ===
The documentation for the sister projects is reasonably up-to-date, but the 
documentation for Naked
Objects needs rationalizing, aligning with the core component and the various 
plugins. This will
help make the framework more digestible to new users/would-be committers; they 
can focus on the
core, or a bit of the core (say, the metamodel), or work on just one plugin.

=== 7. Rationalize the Maven sites ===
Related to above, we need to "tell the story better" so that would-be users can 
see what benefits
using the framework will bring (and, conversely, what freedom they give up in 
adopting a framework).

=== 8. Review/copy over outstanding tickets. ===
There are a number of tickets in the Naked Objects TRAC wiki. These should be 
either moved over, or

== Initial Goals ==
The following outlines some of the goals we have set ourselves during 
incubation. Of course, these
may change as we proceed and learn more.

* Prepare ground by defining the 3 area of Isis: Application; Framework; and 
* Address (either fix or transfer) all tickets from Naked Objects TRAC wiki.
* Ensure existing documentation (of which there is a reasonable amount) is 
correctly related to each
project now that the documentation has been separated out.
* v 0.1 - source code combination and rationalization (as per above).
* v 0.2 - refactor components to JSR-299, while maintaining backwards 
compatibility for bootstrapping.
* v 0.3 - JPA persistor ported from Hibernate to Apache OpenJPA.
* v 0.4 - integrate with JMX for runtime management; provide profiling of 
client/server and webapps
(eg serialization vs domain logic vs domain services vs object store timings).
* v 0.5 - write contract tests for all major plugin APIs (object stores, 
authorization, remoting).

We also have a number of overarching goals:

* steadily improve the code coverage
* clean up the APIs. Some of the code dates back to Java 1.1 (at one point in 
time the code was
cross-compiled into J# code); so there is opportunity to use more generics and 
remove use of arrays
* steadily reduce the amount of proprietary code, and the code size in general; 
use newer libraries
such as google-collections more extensively.

As well as the work going on to create the Isis project there are a number of 
components that are in
the works, and that will be released as they are ready:

* Scimpi web application release.
* Introduce dynamic view design into the DnD viewer.
* [[http://wicket.apache.org|Wicket]] viewer release.
* NOSQL persistor release (using [[http://couchdb.apache.org|CouchDB]],
[[http://www.mongodb.org/|MongoDB]] and
* SQL persistor release.
* CLI viewer release.
* Portal integration: Examine and implement support for compatible portals. 
Under consideration:
[[http://www-01.ibm.com/software/websphere/portal/|WebSphere Portal Server]].

Whether these are part of incubation or not will depend on whether we feel we 
have reached a
self-sustaining community (but it's more likely than not that they will be 
released during
incubation). Equally, there may be other viewers/persistors using other 
technologies that might be
implemented during incubation.

== Current Status ==
Naked Objects 4.0.0 was released at the end of 2009, broadly corresponding to 
the release of Dan's
book.This is released into the Maven central repo, along with an application 
archetype for
quick-start. The three sister projects mentioned in Dan's book (restful, 
tested, jpa) are at
1.0-beta-3, but not formally released into the Maven central repo. The 
remaining sister projects are
in alpha status.

The main committers for the codebases to date have been Robert Matthews and Dan 
Haywood. Both Rob
and Dan work on the NOF core, and each also works independently (reflecting 
their individual
interests) on their respective plugins. Much work was done on the core by both 
Rob and Dan leading
up to the release of NOF 4.0.0, and we are now reasonably happy with it. Much 
work remains (see
above) in the area of plugins/alternatives; there is work to complete and 
improve the existing ones
and many opportunities to develop new ones.

We readily support users on the NO forum (on
[[http://sourceforge.net/projects/nakedobjects/forums/|SourceForge]]) and also 
on the forum for
Dan's book (on pragprog.com). As a consequence of Dan's book, a GWT-based 
viewer (non open source)
has been developed separately, and we have provided support for this (and hope 
it will be
contributed back to the framework in the future).

Over the years we have received some patches for the framework, which we have 
incorporated, but not
many. Part of the reason for this, we believe, is that until NOF 4.0.0 it had a 
architecture, making it difficult for would-be contributors to provide small 
patches. We think that
NOF 4.0.0 improves in this area, but a move to JSR-299 would be a major step 
forward to help bring
up participation.

== Community ==
We recognize that the lack of a large (or at least, vocal) user community is 
the weakest part of our
proposal. That said, we do have a steady trickle of queries on both the Naked 
Objects forum, and on
the forum for Dan's book. Getting NOF 4.0.0 released has rekindled interest in 
at least one
long-time user who is helping Rob to test one of the object store plugins, 
while we've also picked
up commitment to help with this Apache proposal from a couple of people via the 
book forum.

To help build up our community we intend to:

* ensure that the website and documentation is first-rate (see initial goals, 
* make sure that the Isis code can be easily used and understood
* court other open source projects with compatible technologies to work on 
integrations with Isis
* write a series of articles for leading web journals, eg theserverside.com, 
artima.com. We would want to point out that we were in the Apache Incubator, 
and actively looking
for help
* submit sessions to Devoxx and similar, Java-focused, conferences; again we'd 
trade on the Apache
Incubator status.

We also hope that some of the newer members of our community will help us 
identify what the
roadblocks are to adoption, so that we can address them.

== Core Developers ==
The core developers are:

* Robert Matthews, UK-based independent consultant. Original author of the 
Naked Objects framework,
committer to the NOF core and primary developer of the NOF plugins (DnD viewer, 
HTML viewer, Scimpi
viewer, in-memory !ObjectStore, XML !ObjectStore, !BerkeleyDB !ObjectStore, SQL 
!MongoDB ObjectStore). Until recently, worked for Naked Objects Group Ltd on 
the commercial .NET
version. Is now independent and working on apps built using the open source 
Java version.

* Dan Haywood, UK-based independent consultant. Contributor to the Naked 
Objects framework since
2005; took lead in much of the restructuring of the NO architecture for NOF 
4.0.0. Also primary
developer for sister projects plugins (!RestfulObjects viewer, !WicketObjects 
viewer, JPA
!ObjectStore, !TestedObjects "viewer", Groovy support). Part-time 
consultant/advisor to the Irish
Government project (since 2004); also a trainer/consultant in agile, Java, TDD 

Additional committers are:

* Kevin Meyer, South Africa-based freelance developer and business analyst. 
Kevin has been working
primarily in a testing role, both on the SQL Object Store with Rob and on the 
Wicket viewer with
Dan. Kevin has recently started contributing fixes to both.

* Dave Slaughter, US-based developer/consultant who is the Lead of the Software 
and Specialty
Engineering group at SM&A. Dave has spent his career in the development of 
enterprise applications
for companies such as Siemens, Sprint and Lockheed Martin. He has started a SWT 
viewer and has also
started improving code coverage of the XML !ObjectStore.

* Alexander Krasnukhin, a Swedish-based developer who has spent more than a 
year developing
different applications on Naked Objects v3.0.3 and spent six months developing 
a closed-source GWT
viewer for Naked Objects v4.0 for his former employer in Russia (Novosoft). 
Alexander is interested
in developing a new viewer for Android.

As a result of a correspondence on the incubator mailing list, we have also had 
interest from:

* Mohammad Nour El-Din, Egypt-based committer to Apache OpenEJB. Nour has 
helped us with this
proposal relating to JSR-299.

* Ulrich Stark, committer to Apache Tapestry. Uli has expressed an interest in 
developing a
Tapstry-based viewer.

We also have had interest (off list) in developing a Vaadin viewer, and we know 
of a student masters
project that has developed a (different) Android viewer for Naked Objects 4.0, 
which we're keen to
incorporate if we can. We are also hoping that we might persuade Alexander's 
previous employer to
donate their GWT viewer.

== Alignment ==
The current codebase makes heavy use of Apache projects, including: Maven, 
log4j, Apache Commons
Codec/Collections/CLI/Lang/HttpClient and Wicket.

There is a particular opportunity to integrate nicely with both Wicket and 
Tapestry. Both Wicket and
Tapestry are great way of building web UIs, but have little to say about the 
"back-end". Naked
Objects, meanwhile, provides a full runtime environment with pluggable 
persistence layers, and
exposes a metamodel to allow generic or customisable UIs to be built rapidly. 
The currently
in-development !WicketObjects viewer brings Wickets and Naked Objects together, 
and (as noted above)
there has been interest in writing a Tapestry viewer.

Another ongoing integration project is the ongoing-development of an object 
store using MongoDB; the
intent is to make this codebase a good basis for other similar object stores, 
such as Apache CouchDB.

There are no Apache projects that we are aware of that compete with Naked 
Objects. At its heart, NO
is (a) a metamodel, and (b) a container that acts as an abstraction over a 
persistence layer, using
the identity map pattern.

== Known Risks ==
The biggest risk is that we fail to build a diverse community during 
incubation, opening up the
possibility that the project could be orphaned.

That said, there is little risk that either Rob or Dan will move onto other 
interests; we are both
independent consultants and have the resources and inclination to continue 
working on the codebase.
Indeed, with Rob now working only on the Java version (and not the .NET one) 
and Dan having finished
his book, we have more resources now than at any time in the last couple of 

== Inexperience with Open Source ==
Although Naked Objects is an open source project, the number of committers is 
so small then we
cannot claim great experience with open source. Neither Rob nor Dan are 
committers to any other open
source project, though both have submitted occasional patches to the various 
open source projects
that we use.

We are, however, comfortable users of open source projects. We also appreciate 
that there are lots
of open source projects out there and that most developers will form an 
impression of a project
without necessarily ever trying it out. This is one of the reasons why we feel 
we need to bring the
two different codebases together, and create a standard message about what 
Apache Isis is about
("rapid development", "domain-driven design", "standard, extensible architecture", 
"customizable UIs").

== Homogeneous Developers ==
The two main developers, Rob and Dan, are based in the UK. Although we have 
collaborated on the
framework over the years, we do not work for the same company and are 

The other developers mentioned in this proposal are based in South Africa, US, 
Sweden, Egypt and

== Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
There are no salaried developers working on the projects. The main developers, 
Dan and Rob, are both
independent consultants. We use non-billable time to work on the codebase, with 
the view to
developing consultancy/services from it.

== Documentation ==
* [[http://www.nakedobjects.org/Pawson-Naked-Objects-thesis.pdf|Richard 
Pawson's PhD Thesis]], with
foreword by Trygve Reenskaug
* Books:
* Domain Driven Design using Naked Objects, Dan Haywood
* [[http://pragprog.com/titles/dhnako|pragprog.com/titles/dhnako]]
* Naked Objects, Richard Pawson and Rob Matthews book Naked Objects
* full text available online at 
* [[http://nakedobjects.org|nakedobjects.org]] - current website
* [[http://danhaywood.com|danhaywood.com]] - Dan's blog to accompany his book
* [[http://starobjects.org|starobjects.org]] - parent to Dan Haywood's sister 
projects; references
the various SF websites for the sister projects

== Source and IP Submission Plan ==
As mentioned earlier, the NO framework is ASLv2 but copyright belongs to Naked 
Objects Group Ltd.
NOGL is happy to donate the relevant rights to Apache, while Dan is also happy 
to donate the various
sister projects that he has written. Having a single legal entity - ASF - 
owning the relevant rights
to all this software would be very desirable.

All the existing committers to the Naked Objects framework have formally 
granted their contributions
as the copyright of NOGL; there have been no committers to Dan's sister 
projects other than Dan

According to our checks in email archives and the SVN log, there have in 
addition been patches to
the Naked Objects framework from 4 other individuals in the community. None of 
these patches is
significant, and we don't believe that any infringe any other existing IP, and 
were provided in good
faith to be the copyright of NOGL. That said, we have e-mailed these 
individuals in order to verify
this. Worst comes to worst, we can back out their patches (based on svn diffs) 
and reimplement the
patches as required. These steps will be performed during incubation, before 
our first release.

== External Dependencies ==
Other than the Apache dependencies, all other open source projects used all 
have ASL v2.0 (eg Google
Collections, cglib, objenesis), BSD (eg Hamcrest, ASM), MPL (eg javassist) or 
similarly permissive
licenses. We do also have a soft dependency on an LGPL-licensed library 
(Hibernate) but during
migration would look to migrate to the Apache equivalent (OpenJPA).

== Required Resources ==
* Subversion
* Jira
* Hudson CI server
* Wiki
* Website space

== Mailing Lists ==
* isis-private
* isis-dev
* isis-commits
* isis-user

== Subversion Repository ==

== Issue Tracking ==
Jira; project known as 'isis'

== Initial Committers ==
* Robert Matthews
* Dan Haywood
* Kevin Meyer
* Dave Slaughter
* Alexander Krasnukhin

== Affiliations ==
Alexander is employed as a software engineer by Zenterio AB. The other 
committers are independent

== Champion ==
* Mark Struberg

== Sponsors: Nominated Mentors ==
* Mark Struberg
* Benson Marguiles
* Siegfried Goeschl
* James Carman
* Vincent Massol

== Sponsor ==
Apache Incubator

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