+1 from me (binding).


On Jan 24, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Antoine Levy-Lambert wrote:

> I would like to present for a vote the following proposal to be sponsored by
> the Ant PMC for a new "EasyAnt" podling.
> The proposal is available on the wiki at and included below:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/EasyAntProposal
> [] +1 to accept EasyAnt into the Incubator
> [] 0 don't care
> [] -1 object and reason why.
> Thanks,
> Antoine Levy-Lambert
> --- Proposal text from the wiki ---
> EasyAnt Proposal
> The following presents the proposal for creating a new EasyAnt project 
> within the Apache Software Foundation.
> = Abstract =
> Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.
> = Proposal =
> EasyAnt goals are :
> * to leverage popularity and flexibility of Ant.
> * to integrate Apache Ivy, such that the build system combines a 
> ready-to-use dependency manager.
> * to simplify standard build types, such as building web applications, 
> JARs etc, by providing ready to use builds.
> * to provide conventions and guidelines.
> * to make plugging-in of fresh functionalities easy as writing simple 
> Ant scripts as Easyant plugins.
> To still remain adaptable,
> * Though Easyant comes with a lot of conventions, we never lock you in.
> * Easyant allows you to easily extend existing modules or create and use 
> your own modules.
> * Easyant makes migration from Ant very simple. Your legacy Ant scripts 
> could still be leveraged with Easyant.
> = Rationale =
> On the Ivy and Ant mailing list, an often asked question is "Why Ivy is 
> not shipped with Ant ?". Ant users (and some opponents) complains also 
> about the bootstrapping of an Ant based build system: it is mainly about 
> copying an existing one. EasyAnt is intended to response to both of 
> these requirements: a prepackaged Ant + Ivy solution with standard build 
> script ready to be used.
> Also taking inspiration from the success of Apache Maven, EasyAnt is 
> adopting the "convention over configuration" principle. Then it could be 
> easy to build standard project at least for all commons steps (no more 
> need to reinvent the wheel between each projects). The "common" part 
> should be easy enough to tune parameters without having deep ant 
> knowledge (example changing the default directory of sources, force 
> compilation to be java 1.4 compatible, etc...).
> Last but not least, EasyAnt is intended to provide a plugin based 
> architecture to make it easy to contribute on a specific step of the 
> build. Build plugins are pieces of functionality that can be plugged 
> into or removed from a project. Plugins could actually perform a piece 
> of your regular build, e.g. compile java classes during build of a 
> complete war. Or, do a utility action, e.g. deploy your built web 
> application onto a packaged Jetty server!
> = Current Status =
> == Meritocracy ==
> Some of the core developers are already committers and members of the 
> Apache Ant PMC, so they understand what it means to have a process based 
> on meritocracy.
> == Community ==
> EasyAnt have a really small community (around 100 downloads per 
> release). It is not a problem as the team is currently making 
> restructuring changes. The team plans to make more promotion after those 
> changes and strongly believe that community is the priority as the tool 
> is designed to be easy to use.
> == Core Developers ==
> Xavier Hanin and Nicolas Lalev∂¡™ée are members of the PMC of Apache Ant.
> Jerome Benois is an Acceleo committer, he was a committer in Eclipse MDT 
> Papyrus for two years and he's an active contributor in Eclipse Modeling 
> and Model Driven community. He's a committer on Bushel project now 
> contribute to the Ivy code base. He leads the EasyAnt for Eclipse plugin 
> development.
> Jason Trump is leading Beet project on sourceforge 
> (http://beet.sourceforge.net/).
> Jean-Louis Boudart is Hudson committer.
> == Alignment ==
> EasyAnt is based on Apache Ant and Ivy. Being part of Apache could help 
> for a closer collaboration between projects.
> The team plans to reinject as much as possible stuff into Ant or Ivy 
> like they've done in the past on :
> * extensionPoint : kind of IoC for targets (Ant)
> * import/include mechanism (Ant)
> * module inheritance (Ivy)
> = Known risks =
> == Orphaned products ==
> Jean-Louis Boudart is the main developer of EasyAnt. Other developers 
> got interested in this project and are now touching to every aspect of 
> EasyAnt. Thus the risk of being orphaned is quite limited.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> Many of the committers have experience working on open source projects. 
> Two of them have experience as committers on other Apache projects.
> == Homogenous Developers ==
> The existing committers are spread over a number of countries and 
> employers.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> None of the developers rely on EasyAnt for consulting work.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> As already stated above, EasyAnt is intended to have a quite good 
> integration with both Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.
> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> As we're already based on many Apache project (Ant + Ivy), it seems 
> natural for us that Apache Software Foundation could be a good host for 
> this.
> = Documentation =
> Further reading on EasyAnt can be found at: http://www.easyant.org/doc/
> Mailing list is located at http://groups.google.com/group/easyant
> = Initial Source =
> The initial code base can be found at: http://svn.easyant.org/
> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
> Every developer is willing to sign the proper papers to make EasyAnt 
> enter the ASF.
> = External Dependencies =
> Easyant requires at compile/runtime :
> * apache ant
> * apache ivy
> * ant contrib
> = Required Resources =
> == Mailing lists ==
> * easyant-private (with moderated subscriptions)
> * easyant-dev
> == Subversion Directory ==
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/easyant
> == Issue Tracking ==
> = Initial Committers =
> * Xavier Hanin
> * J™ér™ôme Benois
> * Jason Trump
> * Siddhartha Purkayastha
> * Nicolas Lalev™ée
> * Jean-Louis Boudart
> = Sponsors =
> == Champions ==
> * Antoine L™évy-Lambert
> == Nominated Mentors ==
> * Antoine L™évy-Lambert
> * Stefan Bodewig
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
> * Apache Ant
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
WWW:   http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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