

On 01/24/2011 09:14 AM, Antoine Levy-Lambert wrote:
I would like to present for a vote the following proposal to be
sponsored by
the Ant PMC for a new "EasyAnt" podling.

The proposal is available on the wiki at and included below:


[] +1 to accept EasyAnt into the Incubator
[] 0 don't care
[] -1 object and reason why.

Antoine Levy-Lambert

--- Proposal text from the wiki ---

EasyAnt Proposal

The following presents the proposal for creating a new EasyAnt project
within the Apache Software Foundation.

= Abstract =

Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.

= Proposal =

EasyAnt goals are :

* to leverage popularity and flexibility of Ant.
* to integrate Apache Ivy, such that the build system combines a
ready-to-use dependency manager.
* to simplify standard build types, such as building web applications,
JARs etc, by providing ready to use builds.
* to provide conventions and guidelines.
* to make plugging-in of fresh functionalities easy as writing simple
Ant scripts as Easyant plugins.

To still remain adaptable,

* Though Easyant comes with a lot of conventions, we never lock you in.
* Easyant allows you to easily extend existing modules or create and use
your own modules.
* Easyant makes migration from Ant very simple. Your legacy Ant scripts
could still be leveraged with Easyant.

= Rationale =

On the Ivy and Ant mailing list, an often asked question is "Why Ivy is
not shipped with Ant ?". Ant users (and some opponents) complains also
about the bootstrapping of an Ant based build system: it is mainly about
copying an existing one. EasyAnt is intended to response to both of
these requirements: a prepackaged Ant + Ivy solution with standard build
script ready to be used.

Also taking inspiration from the success of Apache Maven, EasyAnt is
adopting the "convention over configuration" principle. Then it could be
easy to build standard project at least for all commons steps (no more
need to reinvent the wheel between each projects). The "common" part
should be easy enough to tune parameters without having deep ant
knowledge (example changing the default directory of sources, force
compilation to be java 1.4 compatible, etc...).

Last but not least, EasyAnt is intended to provide a plugin based
architecture to make it easy to contribute on a specific step of the
build. Build plugins are pieces of functionality that can be plugged
into or removed from a project. Plugins could actually perform a piece
of your regular build, e.g. compile java classes during build of a
complete war. Or, do a utility action, e.g. deploy your built web
application onto a packaged Jetty server!

= Current Status =

== Meritocracy ==

Some of the core developers are already committers and members of the
Apache Ant PMC, so they understand what it means to have a process based
on meritocracy.

== Community ==

EasyAnt have a really small community (around 100 downloads per
release). It is not a problem as the team is currently making
restructuring changes. The team plans to make more promotion after those
changes and strongly believe that community is the priority as the tool
is designed to be easy to use.

== Core Developers ==

Xavier Hanin and Nicolas Lalev�¡�ée are members of the PMC of Apache Ant.
Jerome Benois is an Acceleo committer, he was a committer in Eclipse MDT
Papyrus for two years and he's an active contributor in Eclipse Modeling
and Model Driven community. He's a committer on Bushel project now
contribute to the Ivy code base. He leads the EasyAnt for Eclipse plugin
Jason Trump is leading Beet project on sourceforge
Jean-Louis Boudart is Hudson committer.

== Alignment ==

EasyAnt is based on Apache Ant and Ivy. Being part of Apache could help
for a closer collaboration between projects.
The team plans to reinject as much as possible stuff into Ant or Ivy
like they've done in the past on :
* extensionPoint : kind of IoC for targets (Ant)
* import/include mechanism (Ant)
* module inheritance (Ivy)

= Known risks =

== Orphaned products ==

Jean-Louis Boudart is the main developer of EasyAnt. Other developers
got interested in this project and are now touching to every aspect of
EasyAnt. Thus the risk of being orphaned is quite limited.

== Inexperience with Open Source ==

Many of the committers have experience working on open source projects.
Two of them have experience as committers on other Apache projects.

== Homogenous Developers ==

The existing committers are spread over a number of countries and

== Reliance on Salaried Developers ==

None of the developers rely on EasyAnt for consulting work.

== Relationships with Other Apache Products ==

As already stated above, EasyAnt is intended to have a quite good
integration with both Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.

== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==

As we're already based on many Apache project (Ant + Ivy), it seems
natural for us that Apache Software Foundation could be a good host for

= Documentation =

Further reading on EasyAnt can be found at: http://www.easyant.org/doc/

Mailing list is located at http://groups.google.com/group/easyant

= Initial Source =

The initial code base can be found at: http://svn.easyant.org/

= Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =

Every developer is willing to sign the proper papers to make EasyAnt
enter the ASF.

= External Dependencies =

Easyant requires at compile/runtime :

* apache ant
* apache ivy
* ant contrib

= Required Resources =

== Mailing lists ==

* easyant-private (with moderated subscriptions)
* easyant-dev

== Subversion Directory ==


== Issue Tracking ==


= Initial Committers =

* Xavier Hanin
* J�ér�ôme Benois
* Jason Trump
* Siddhartha Purkayastha
* Nicolas Lalev�ée
* Jean-Louis Boudart

= Sponsors =

== Champions ==

* Antoine L�évy-Lambert

== Nominated Mentors ==

* Antoine L�évy-Lambert
* Stefan Bodewig

== Sponsoring Entity ==

* Apache Ant

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