Simon Phipps <> wrote on 06/03/2011 06:16:22 PM:

> I suggest:
> "The LibreOffice project is an important partner in the
> community, with an established potentially highly complementary focus on 
> GNU/Linux community as well as on Windows and Mac consumer end-users. We
> will seek to build a constructive working and technical relationship so 
> the source code developed at Apache can be readily used downstream by
> LibreOffice, as well as exploring ways for upstream contributions to be
> received as much as possible within the constraints imposed by mutual
> licensing choices.
> There will be other ways we may be able to collaborate, including 
> sponsored public events, interoperability 'plugfests', standards, shared
> build management infrastructure, shared release mirrors, coordination of
> build schedules, version numbers, defect lists, and other downstream
> requirements. We will make this relationship a priority early in the 
life of
> the podlet."


Could you say a little of when you had in mind with this segment:

"potentially highly complementary focus on the GNU/Linux community as well 
as on Windows and Mac consumer end-users"

By one definition, "complementary" means non-overlapping, pieces that are 
incomplete separately, but sum to 100%.  By that definition the statement 
could be read as saying that LO would focus on Linux, Windows and Mac 
consumer end-users, and Apache would not.

Would you agree that majority of users of this code base on Windows and 
Mac are using today, not LibreOffice?  I'd grant you that 
the opposite is likely true for Linux.

So by that definition of complementary, the statement in the wiki is not 
really true.

Assuming that is not what you intended to say, I hope it is not 
controversial to fix this in the wiki as:

"The LibreOffice project is an important partner in the 
community, with an established focus on the GNU/Linux community as well as 
on Windows and Mac consumer end-users."

(the waffling with "potentially" doesn't seem to do anything in the 


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