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On 5 Jun 2011, at 19:21, Niall Pemberton <> wrote:

> IMO the only negative thing then about LibreOffice is the copyleft
> license - everything else about them is great. When deciding whether
> to accept OO we should consider whether that and facilitating BigCos
> interests is worth splitting the FOSS community.
> I am considering voting -1 to this proposal for those reasons.

I've been considering these same issues. But I've come out with a different 

If Foo decides they can contribute to an Apache Licensed OO.o but not a 
copyleft LO then I'd rather have Foo contribute. 

This does not force a split in the community. The copyleft LO can still use 
Foo's code. They may choose not to, but it is not our actions, here in the 
incubator, that force that choice. 

By facilitating Foo we are also facilitating any number of other businesses, 
large and small. Permissively minded and copyleft (not all copyleft minded 
folk, true).

I've been ready to vote for a while, but I do think we need to give TDF/LO folk 
more time. Deciding to accept this code (for me) is easier than them deciding 
whether to sign up as initial committers or not. 


> Niall
>> I saw there is a lot of support for this proposal and the initial
>> committers list has grown immense in just a few days. There is already
>> a good amount of mentors and I will add myself too. Code grant seems
>> to be OK and all the other entry criterias seem to be taken. If the
>> would vote would be today, I would vote +1 clearly, because everything
>> we want in the Incubator seem to be solved.
>> Again are we able to vote on the podling? If no, please specifiy why?
>> Cheers,
>> Christian
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