And I was thinking of the Ray Ozzie, the former Microsoft CTO.
Elephant handler is perhaps apt.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Marvin Humphrey <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 11:22:39AM +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
>> You might want to reconsider the name.
>> In English (British English at least) "ooze" is an unpleasant thing
>> often related to a body wound or a stagnant river. The formal
>> definition is not so bad [1], but in common (UK) usage it's
>> unpleasant.
> And I thought at first that it was a reference to the Uzi, a submachine gun.
> It's apparently the Burmese term for an elephant handler.
>    In Burma, the profession is called oozie; in Thailand kwan-chang; and in
>    Vietnam quản tượng.
> We had a good laugh about all this in the #lucy_dev IRC channel a couple days
> ago.  One of the participants (who free-associated "Oozie" with "sucking chest
> wound") suggested that Hadoop projects might consider referencing stuffed
> animals rather than elephants.  :)
> Marvin Humphrey
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