On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:
> We are, however, recognizing that we've had growth issues of our own.  As
> David Crossley pointed out, he made mistakes last month related to the
> Reporting Schedule, and we continue to have issues.  The Incubator is almost
> as big as the rest of the ASF combined.  David posted a plot chart
> reflecting our growth: http://incubator.apache.org/history/

Excellent plot chart.  As with most plot charts, the end result is a
Rorschach test.  I'll tell you what I (personally) see in this chart:
a failure to perform garbage collection.  My personal perspective is
that incubation shouldn't generally take more than a year.  That
doesn't mean that there won't be exceptions, and in a few rare cases,
some that go well beyond that arbitrary time limit, but the point is
that those should be the exception rather than the rule.

Looking at the current list of projects, we have many that exceed that
number.  Far exceed that number.  In fact the median age is 416 days
and the mean age is 536.

People here may disagree with my arbitrary date, and that's OK.  But
my feeling is that there needs to be an expectation that a podling
produces AT THE VERY MINIMUM a credible plan that they are executing
on which will lead to graduation at some point.  If they fail to
produce such a plan, or fail to execute on that plan (within reason),
they should be asked to explain themselves.  If they fail to do so,
the incubation at the ASF should cease.

At the moment, the expectation is that the mentors be the ones to take
up this task.  For whatever reason, that isn't reliably being done.
This causes the board to complain periodically.  I am of the belief
that the first level of culling needs to be performed at the Incubator
level.  If we need to appoint a set of grim reapers, lets do so, and I
will volunteer to be a part of such an effort.

Meanwhile, I will personally focus on JSPWiki.  If others wish to join
me, here is a a current list of projects that have been incubating
more than a year:

2007-09-17 JSPWiki
2008-01-06 RAT
2008-05-20 Hama
2008-07-08 Empire-db
2008-08-19 PhotArk
2008-09-02 Etch
2008-09-04 Tashi
2008-09-29 Olio
2008-10-06 VCL
2008-10-09 Droids
2008-11-06 Kato
2008-11-19 Stonehenge
2009-04-24 Ace
2009-05-27 Wink
2009-07-06 VXQuery
2009-07-17 Wookie
2009-11-05 HISE
2009-11-27 Clerezza
2010-01-10 Manifold Connector Framework (ManifoldCF)
2010-02-21 SIS
2010-03-01 Bean Validation
2010-05-09 Amber
2010-05-19 Deltacloud
2010-05-21 Zeta Components
2010-06-24 Nuvem
2010-07-14 Chukwa
2010-07-22 Lucy
2010-08-13 NPanday
2010-09-07 Isis
2010-09-26 Gora
2010-10-03 Kitty
2010-11-02 Celix
2010-11-15 Stanbol

- Sam Ruby

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