Sam Ruby wrote:
> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> >
> > We are, however, recognizing that we've had growth issues of our own.  As
> > David Crossley pointed out, he made mistakes last month related to the
> > Reporting Schedule, and we continue to have issues.  The Incubator is almost
> > as big as the rest of the ASF combined.  David posted a plot chart
> > reflecting our growth:
> Excellent plot chart.  As with most plot charts, the end result is a
> Rorschach test.  I'll tell you what I (personally) see in this chart:
> a failure to perform garbage collection.

That is one of the main reasons that i made it.
As i said in its recent announcement, this is not sustainable
to have 60 projects in the incubator at once.

Clutch has also been attempting to show where more attention
is needed:
Look for anything coloured vermilion-red (as explained there).
Especially these columns:
 "B: elapsedDays"
 "H: statusAge"

Some time ago we tried a process whereby the whole Incubator
would help to get projects who were stuck to get over their hurdles.
[appeal] Help Us Graduate!

I still think that the idea should be useful, but we obviously
need the graduation-plan-or-retire approach too.


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