On Nov 28, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback, I still have some questions.
> 1. Alan, this nunit license acknowledgement is missing from the NOTICE file
> since RC1 and RC1 had the nunit files. Since cutting RCs is a significant
> time investment, we'd appreciate if you could list all the concerns you
> have once.
> 2. Sebb, if you have feedback on what should be removed from the file, we'd
> appreciate the exact list of items that are OK to be removed from the
> NOTICE. It is still unclear to us on what should and should not be included.
> 3. Ant, thanks for the suggestion earlier. We'd like this discussion to
> conclude with the exact contents of the LICENSE and NOTICE files.

Has the Kafka community reviewed the contents of their source/binary release 
and made the appropriate updates (e.g. license/notice files)? 

I've joined the kafka dev list. I'll review the code in your branch when it's 
ready. Just say when… 

> Better yet, can all these Apache nitty gritty items be listed on some wiki
> that the incubator RMs can follow and depend on ?
> I understand that the incubator process depends on the mentors to give such
> feedback, but clearly that is insufficient.

I understand that the release process aggravating (especially the first 
release). From what I've seen, I'm not sure that the Incubator is entirely to 

I assume you have read -- 
http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html ?

In particular:


Which will lead you to (among others):

   http://apache.org/legal/src-headers.html and

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