On Jan 7, 2012 4:24 PM, "Roy T. Fielding" <field...@gbiv.com> wrote:
> The original developers are not ambivalent to this fork.

Untrue. Christian and Remy are, and always have been, supportive. They were
the ones to suggest the fork, rather than trying to make the changes in

What you have is a vocal minority that disagree. Ethan is not even a core
committer, as far as I can tell.

Edgewall, the copyright holder, is a defunct shell. That is a primary
reason WANdisco wanted to move to the ASF: a home with actual backing and


WANdisco has definite problems in how they approach and work with open
source communities. They discussed this stuff with the Trac principals
privately, rather than with the broader community. But my read is that the
Trac leads are supportive of Bloodhound.

My interest here is seeing Trac revitalized, improved, and delivered as an
awesome open source issue tracker. I'm tired of Bugzilla and (non-OSS)
Jira. I like the Google Code tracker, but I'm biased there :-P


(*) on my tablet right now, so it is hard for me to look up
details/history; the above is based on my recollection

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