My biggest problem is that the proposal moves undefined responsibilities to
ComDev while none of the candidates have actually spoken to ComDev about

Doesn't that strike the candidates as a little odd?

l want to know what ComDev is being asked to do. The proposal in the wiki
is not clear in this regard and a number of discussion questions remain

I realise I've made it clear that I don't object, in principle, but I'm
only one member of ComDev. Furthermore I've made it clear I'm having
difficulty keeping up at the moment due to other commitments. As a result
of these two facts I'm not willing to sign ComDev up to an, as yet,
undefined role. I request that someone, shows ComDev, and in particular
myself as VP ComDev, tasks to us rather than about us.

Do any of the candidates want to take a little time to define the role they
see for ComDev?


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