
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My basic point here is to not worry too much about some IPMC people
> not performing reviews, as long as you have ample numbers in the first
> place.

I'm mostly worried about the "ample numbers" being close to zero at
times. It's been getting better lately, but there's a long history of
podlings with major issues receiving little or no attention from the
IPMC even though such issues were being reported quarter after

> I realize that you don't have nine dedicated Directors :-P, but
> hopefully in time, you'll build a good set of people interested in
> performing overall reviews.

Agreed. Ultimately I'd like to see the IPMC act more as a larger
community on issues like this, but despite good recent progress we're
not quite there yet. The shepherd model is one step towards getting
more IPMC members than just the mentors to pay attention at what's
going on in a podling.

> (and just thought: you could actually get some of those reviews from
> Directors who are IPMC members; they're gonna read it eventually, so
> why not a bit early and provide a review?)

All directors who are also IPMC members (or want to be :-) are of
course welcome to participate in the pre-submission reviews like some
already do (thanks, Ross!), though as discussed earlier this year the
board shouldn't really have to pick up the slack of the IPMC.

> Commentary may be a bit tricky. For the Board, we place the feedback
> directly into the agenda (which gets stripped for the final minutes).
> Not sure what you'd like to do here.

So far I've personally preferred to bring direct feedback and comments
back to general@ in order to strike up proper conversations with the
podlings (wiki or svn is a cumbersome place for that). As an
alternative in June Ross added some commentary directly to the report,
which is more in line with the process used by the board. For now I'd
be happy to try out different approaches to see which once work best
for all interested parties; the podlings, the rest of the IPMC, and
the ASF board.


Jukka Zitting

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