On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:43 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Considering the various concerns expressed in this thread, along with
> Marvin's very valid points about the difficulty in establishing
> provenance of the original data, I don't feel good about accepting the
> resources part of this donation. I suspect the lack of votes means
> people are also unsure about how to best handle this, and no new
> points have been raised that help make the case for a +1.
> Let's cancel this vote - I'll remove the mention of
> OpenDDR-Resources_1.0.0.10.zip from [1] and start a standard lazy
> consensus IP clearance with the rest.

That seems like a wise course of action.

I woke up this morning planning to vote -0 if no one had posted to
contradict the points raised yesterday.  I was hesitant to vote -1 for a
couple reasons.

First, I placed more faith in the judgment of DeviceMap's Mentors than in my
own limited understanding of the situation as an outsider.  That faith has now
been borne out. :)

Second, IANAL but if my understanding of the OpenDDR narrative regarding the
contents and origins of the OpenDDR data[1] is accurate, the DMCA takedown
notice that Github received from ScientiaMobile[2] is a farce -- and it boils
my blood to read of such an abusive, illegitimate gambit to assert proprietary
control over a resource built by others.

I'll surely be cheering for DeviceMap going forward.  It must be excrutiating
to leave the OpenDDR resource data behind, but I'm glad that the podling will
be taking the high road and I believe that this decision will pay dividends in
the long run.

> We'll discuss on the devicemap dev list how best to address the
> resources part - the simplest seems to be for OpenDDR to contribute
> only the parts of that that they created themselves, and make it
> possible for users to combine that with other data sources, which is
> useful anyway.

Sounds great, best wishes!

Marvin Humphrey

[1] http://openddr.org/takedown.html
    Google cache at http://s.apache.org/openddr_cache

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