On Oct 8, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:


We've added support to generate RAT files (RAT report for RC3 available at
[#1]) and began to play with it, via rat-ant-tasks [#2]. As noted in
previous e-mails, all the JSP files lack of a proper header. So, a couple
of questions:

- we pass the addLicenseHeaders argument to the report task. A lot of .new files get generated with the appropiate header, but none of them correspond to JSPs files. On the other hand the RAT report detects the missing header in the JSP files. Is there any way to enforce the process for JSP files?

I'm not clear what you are saying here. If the rat addLicenseHeaders does not create .jsp files with the appropriate header, you may need to manually edit the .jsp files.

- we also have some .js files which come with their license header (i.e.:
mootools.js). RAT detects them as their header doesn't conform with AL
Header. In this case I assume we should ignore this files, is that ok?

If you review all of the files that have their own license header, you can then notate them. What rat does is report non-conforming files of all types.

Any files that are licensed under a non-Apache license need to be called out in the NOTICE and/or LICENSE files. There are many examples of such files in other projects. If you give specific file names, I can help you with what needs to be done to include them.


We've also made java files conform strictly with AL header, so the headers
issue should be solved once we get rid of the two points noted above.

thx in advance,
juan pablo

[#1]: http://people.apache.org/~juanpablo/rat_2.9.0_rc3.txt
[#2]: http://creadur.apache.org/rat/apache-rat-tasks/report.html

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 11:53 PM, Craig L Russell

Hi Christian,

Thanks for the review of the release.

On Oct 7, 2012, at 12:30 PM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:


i'm sorry to -1 your release :-(

Please see:
http://www.apache.org/legal/**src-headers.html#headers<http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#headers >

This is a very important document to read and understand. The jspwiki
headers are non-standard and should be rewritten to conform. In particular, there should be no extraneous verbiage before the "Licensed to..." text. No
copyright, no other information.

I have found a lot of code like in the the src package
which are missing header licenses. I saw it is in the .java files, but
they should be basically in every file we release (including jsp)

I agree, .jsp files need the Apache license header just as .java files do.

Also export.sh misses headers.

In the headers of the .java files is: JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki
Not sure if this is a blocker, but you should use the full name
"Apache JSPWiki" instead of only "JSPWiki". Personally I would get rid
of this line actually, but i think it is up to you.

Getting rid of the line is probably the easiest way to conform.

HexUtils.java<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jspwiki/tags/jspwiki_2_9_0_incubating_rc3/src/org/apache/catalina/util/HexUtils.java >

I have not tested signatures yet.

In other projects sometimes the website is being voted on together
with the releases. Is it not the case with JSPWiki?

I don't know that I've ever voted on a web site release. Other projects
just update the web site as needed, with no vote.

On another note, I agree with Ross. Your mentors should have told you
that and they should have voted already.

This first release has been a long time coming, and I was distracted the
last couple of weeks.

I agree that the mentors should review the release and advise of remedial

I'd like to see a rat report on the release. I believe that analysis of
the rat report will reinforce the comments that Christian and I made.



Not sure if how the overall
situation on your daily project life is. If you feel that you would
need more mentor support, please write a separate e-mail to this list. I have only looked at this e-mail as it was open for a couple of days
without much responses.

Best regards,

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 8:11 PM, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez
<juanpa...@apache.org> wrote:


This is a call for a vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache
JSPWiki version 2.9.0-incubating.
This will be our first release. A vote was held on the developer mailing
list (http://s.apache.org/dzM) and
passed with 10 +1s (* denoting PPMC):

Janne Jalkannen*
Florian Holeczek*
Harry Metske*
Andrew Jaquith*
Dirk Frederickx*
Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez*
Fabian Haupt
Michael Gerzabek
Christophe Dupriez
Roberto Venturi

We need at least 3 IPMC votes.

This release fixes the following issues:
projectId=12310732&version=**12319521<https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310732&version=12319521 >

Source and binary files:
http://people.apache.org/~**jalkanen/JSPWiki/2.9.0/<http://people.apache.org/~jalkanen/JSPWiki/2.9.0/ >

The tag to be voted upon:
jspwiki_2_9_0_incubating_rc3<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jspwiki/tags/jspwiki_2_9_0_incubating_rc3 >

JSPWiki's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
http://www.apache.org/dist/**incubator/jspwiki/KEYS<http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/jspwiki/KEYS >

Please download, test, and vote by 72 hours from now.

[ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

juan pablo


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Craig L Russell
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P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638 mailto:craig.russ...@oracle.com
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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