On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Simple as that.

If only.

This is the old "what goes in the NOTICE file" debate that has
probably caused more emails and confusion than any other topic here.

My understanding of the current thinking on this is to only include
something in the NOTICE file when there is a clear legal requirement,
and that probably means some explicit documentation at ASF Legal for
the specific case (i.e raise a Legal JIRA asking). If any attribution
is required or wanted then its probably done by including the license
/ copyright in the LICENSE file or the attribution should be added to
the README or to a separate CREDITS type file. There are numerous
discussions on this list about that and JIRA's like LEGAL-62 (wasn't
there a post from Roy once saying he'd have artifacts removed from the
distribution area if people had added random stuff to the NOTICE?).

This "when in doubt leave it out" approach has gone a long way at
smoothing podling release reviews compared to the olden days.


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