As one of the mentors singled out I fully appreciate your very reasonable
explanation of your motives. On top of that those mentors do have thick

No harm done, I'm sure.


Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Senior Technology Evangelist
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

On 7 November 2013 22:47, Marvin Humphrey <> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
> > Certainly this is being addressed and fixed in the current 1.0.1
> > release thread...
> Indeed.
> > So why is something 2 months old such a bee in your bonnet right now?
> I chose to highlight the Allura situation because it illustrates that IPMC
> release vote scarcity can strike your podling at any time regardless of how
> virtuous and healthy it is.  If it can happen to Allura, a podling with
> fabulous contributors and outrageously qualified Mentors, it can happen to
> anyone.
> I could have instead cited other lengthy release votes: VXQuery (over a
> month
> now and still waiting), ODF Toolkit (20 days), Droids (probably the
> all-time
> record holder), Bloodhound (so frustrating that Brane coded up the voting
> monitor), ManifoldCF...  but none of those podlings boasted Allura's
> all-star
> Mentor lineup.
> The point was to pick a podling with Mentors whose dedication to the ASF
> was
> unassailable ("AWOL Mentors" don't attend Board meetings!) because then
> nobody
> could blame the delay on insufficient Mentor dedication.  I don't think
> it's a
> bad thing that podling core developers are inherently more invested in
> their
> projects than Mentors -- it's just a fact of life that we ought to
> accommodate
> ourselves to.  Vote scarcity is not the fault of any one Mentor, or any
> group
> of Mentors -- it's just a phenomenon which is *guaranteed* to happen some
> of
> the time because the Incubator is structurally flawed.
> Still, because my point was awkwardly crafted, I wound up singling out the
> Allura team in a negative context.  I apologize for my clumsiness.
> Marvin Humphrey
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