
In response to Bertrand's proposal at <>, I've created
a draft release verification checklist:

It should be emphasized that completing a checklist like this at release
points is only one aspect of exercising proper IP stewardship over a codebase.
The checklist says nothing about code provenance, and while it may catch
licensing documentation bugs, it does little to guard against the possibility
of actual licensing violations: bogus header swaps, "borrowed" code pasted
into files with different licensing, and so on.  We don't generally encounter
such problems at Apache, but we need to stay vigilant.

Design notes:

*   Brevity is important for ease of use.  We don't want to explain what makes
    for a valid LICENSE and NOTICE in a checklist.
*   +0 and -0 votes are rare, so they are omitted from the template.
*   All checklist items are optional.  Of course if you leave everything
    unchecked, your indifference is going to be entered into the record.
*   The dictate that all checklist items are optional is explicitly included
    in the template despite wasting precious space, because otherwise PPMC
    confusion will cause needless stress and wasted time.
*   Podlings may wish to augment this template with project-specific
    modifications, e.g. "Extended tests pass", "RAT report clean".
*   The `Apache ID` field is intended to allow whoever enters these checklists
    into the record to copy-and-paste verbatim without having to look up
    credentials.  Hopefully people will actually fill it in regularly.
*   There is no field identifying the release candidate because that
    information will be carried by email subject, filepath in version control,
*   The checklist text is designed for quick copy/paste into an email.  It
    must take up as little vertical space as possible so that it is easy to
    select with a mouse/trackpad gesture.
*   The textual layout is intended to stack cleanly and to look good when
    rendered using either fixed-width or variable-width fonts.


Marvin Humphrey

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