
  (No shepherd review filed.)


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  Marvin Humphrey (marvin):

    Podling did not report.  Please report next month.

    Also, please edit podlings.xml metadata and address all "FIXME" tags.

Apache: Project Drill

  Marvin Humphrey (marvin):

    The report is admirably thorough and must have taken a long time to
    prepare.  Perhaps consider that a report with a reduced level of detail
    similar to the other reports may be more in line with Board

    The report was filed too late to be incorporated into a review by the
    assigned shepherd.  Please file on time.

    Please wrap future reports at 77 columns, and please take more care with
    making indentation reflect logical hierarchy.  Also, use only
    s.apache.org URL shorteners in future reports.  Otherwise, someone
    downstream must clean up the report -- either someone from the IPMC (I
    took care of reformatting this month) or the Board -- before it is
    published in the official Board minutes.


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  John Ament (johndament):

    Kalumet seems to be OK, but a little bit slow.  They have been
    incubating for a little over 2 years now, I think if they can get
    together on another release shortly they should consider graduating,
    there was some confusion for a little while over IPMC vs PPMC votes
    which caused a delay in getting their 0.6 release out the door.


  Dave Fisher (wave):

    This podling achieved one benchmark towards successful incubation - a

    When commits and mailing list activity are reviewed this looks like a
    tiny community with only a single developer and some administrative

    I am not sure if this another example of a community that is mostly from
    a single corporation and is doing all of the work outside and
    contributing it through one person with off-list decision making and
    communication. If so then the mentors need to look into it and get the
    real decision making process in public.

    There is a user ML, but the only email ever on that list was the release


  Justin Mclean (jmclean):

    Last report was July 2013. At noted in the current report there are some
    issues to overcome for the project to move forward.

    In the last month there been some increased activity on the mailing
    lists (thanks to the last shepherd) but as yet no fixes or patches have
    been submitted. The project currently has only one mentor (just
    appointed) and the PPMC seems to have gone missing.


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  John Ament (johndament):

    The board report reflects my sentiments as well.  S4 seems to be in a
    bit of rut.  I tried kicking off some conversations on the dev mailing
    list, no luck.  It seems like there are at best five active
    participants, between the users list and dev list.  Considering that
    there hasn't been a commit since last board report, it doesn't come off
    as a good sign for me.  I think retirement may be an option to start


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  Marvin Humphrey (marvin):

    Podling did not report.  Please report next month.


  Raphael Bircher (rbircher)

    Storm has started three months ago. It is quite active and looks ok,
    so far. They created a last release outside Apache and they work now
    at the IP. I noticed that http://incubator.apache.org/storm/ still
    not exist. If you search at Google for storm, you only find the
    GitHub page. I find a minimal site on the Apache server important.
    so people can easely find ML and co.


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  (No shepherd review filed.)


  Christian Grobmeier (grobmeier):

    It was discussed to end graduation because lack of momentum, which led
    to a lot of emails. So far there are a couple of people around but to
    less who do actual coding work. It was discussed briefly to push
    development via a Kickstarter project. So far there is no outcome of the

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