This is a eclipse plugin so the source contains images for Eclipse icons.
These files are under EPL. The images are binary artifacts but part of our

Bin folder being part of src in one of our projects(
org.apache.hdt.ui/bin/org/apache/hdt/ui), that should not have been there.
Do we need to release again for that ? or can I correct the src
package(delete the folder) ?


On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Justin Mclean <>

> Hi,
> -1 binding (binary files in source release + NOTICE/LICENSE issues)
> I checked:
> - vote thread has 3 +1 binding votes
> - signatures and hash correct
> - LICENSE  and NOTICE have issues (see below)
> - binary files in source release (see below)
> - all source files have correct headers
> The NOTICE contains a MIT license, as far as I'm aware this isn't correct
> and the information should go in LICENSE. [1.]
> The more serious issue is that  source release  contains software licensed
> under "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0" (according to the NOTICE) . This is
> a category B license and can only be distributed in a binary form [2]. (And
> I assume only in a binary release - anyone confirm that?) I'm not 100%
> where the EPL bundled software it is in the source, can anyone point that
> out?
> I also would of expected the binary NOTICE / LICENSE files to be different
> from the source files or do they contain exactly the same bundled software?
> There's a dozen or so binary class files under
> "org.apache.hdt.ui/bin/org/apache/hdt/ui".
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.
> 2.
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