
Apologies for not clearing my point.

The EPL license is for  some of the images eg.
delete/download/upload/local_resource  under 'org.apache.hdt.ui/icons'. The
license is not for the  images related to Mapper/Reducer/Driver etc i.e
Hadoop related stuff. These images under the icons folder  are being used
as 'Icons' for different features in the plugin. I think we can fix this
and replace the EPL images with things under Apache license, this will fix
the issue of EPL being part of src.  As for RAT plugin it is added in the
pom and runs with the build.

I will cancel the Vote and fix the images and bin folder.

Thanks for the feedback


On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> > This is a eclipse plugin so the source contains images for Eclipse icons.
> I had a quick look though the images and couldn't find any eclipse icons,
> Can you point out what files are licensed under this license?
> > These files are under EPL. The images are binary artifacts but part of
> our
> > source.
> If they are only images then that should be fine in a source release.
> However the EPL licence in full or a pointer to a text version should be in
> LICENSE, I'm not 100% sure if anything needs to go in NOTICE or not not
> with EPL.
> > Do we need to release again for that ? or can I correct the src
> > package(delete the folder) ?
> I think the LICENCE/NOTICE issues are serious enough that the RC needs to
> be redone, so you might as well remove the binaries as well for that RC. Do
> you run Apache Rat on the RC before calling a vote? While it's not perfect
> it will pick up issues like this.
> Other IPMC members may have different views, if there's a few +1 (ie other
> IPMC members think it's ok) I'll change my vote.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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