I wish the discussions that Sean started had occur for projects like
Knox or Tez.

I interacted and watch Drill project for a while before being pulled
out from my prev employer to stop working on it and I could see that
the community did try very hard to diversify and embrace new
contributors from external people.

I think we should open another separate thread to continue the
diversity discussions without hijacking RESULT thread for Drill.

- Henry

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm reading http://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html#community
> "A major criterion for graduation is to have developed an open and
> diverse meritocratic community ... The project is considered to have a
> diverse community when it is not highly dependent on any single
> contributor (there are at least 3 legally independent committers and
> there is no single company or entity that is vital to the success of
> the project). Basically this means that when a project mostly consists
> of contributors from one company, this is a sign of not being diverse
> enough. You can mitigate this requirement by admitting more external
> contributors to your project that have no tie to the single entity."
> This seems to contradict the idea that diversity is not required. I
> think Roy's saying something else: you shouldn't have to turn down a
> job to stay on a project, or leave a project to take a job. Of course.
> Nobody wants to kick out contributors, or force addition of people
> from other employers, to graduate. Of course, nobody said graduation
> is a fait accompli.
> The issue seems to have come up before, but is de facto not much
> 'enforced'. Diversity is great all else equal, but seems unrealistic
> to demand on entering incubation.  I'm surprised if opinion is that it
> also doesn't matter on exit. I think projects, realistically, get
> driven by companies, and necessarily often start around one company. A
> bit more diversity here would be good but hey. I take the message that
> being an Apache project doesn't signify as much as is advertised (see
> link above) about the 'community support' or diversity. Maybe just how
> it is now and no big deal, but thought I would ask. Thanks for
> indulging.
> Ted you raise good points. I was looking at +/- lines really, not
> commits, which is not affected by squashes, but still problematic.
> Size != significance. Github credits the person who made the PR, not
> who merged it (https://github.com/apache/incubator-drill/commits/master
> see authored vs committed) but I think you are saying there are
> significant commits that didn't start with a PR or similar. Recent
> commits follow a similar profile as all commits. I'm not talking so
> much about committers as community contribution. Yeah I'm speaking
> about past not future contributions since graduation has happened now.
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
> <chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>> It¹s not a requirement for graduation from the Incubator, as succinctly
>> summarized by Roy (and I am +1 on this):
>> http://markmail.org/message/w56cmyri4osgcgud
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