

> On Oct 31, 2557 BE, at 21:58, Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hey Roman
> Great to see more tools to feed Zipkin. Dapper and Thrift, whats not to
> love. If you need more mentors please count me in
> -Jake
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I would like to propose HTrace to be consider for
>> Apache Incubator. The proposal is attached and
>> is also available on the wiki:
>>    https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/HTraceProposal
>> Please let me know what do you guys think and also
>> don't hesitate to massage the proposal on the wiki
>> based on the feedback from this thread.
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.
>> == Abstract ==
>> HTrace is a tracing framework intended for use with distributed
>> systems written in java.
>> == Proposal ==
>> HTrace is an aid for understanding system behavior and for reasoning
>> about performance
>> issues in distributed systems. HTrace is primarily a low impedance
>> library that a java
>> distributed system can incorporate to generate ‘breadcrumbs’ or
>> ‘traces’ along the path
>> of execution, even as it crosses processes and machines. HTrace also
>> includes various
>> tools and glue for collecting, processing and ‘visualizing’ captured
>> execution traces
>> for analysis ex post facto of where time was spent and what resources
>> were consumed.
>> == Background ==
>> Distributed systems are made up of multiple software components
>> running on multiple
>> computers connected by networks. Debugging or profiling operations run
>> over non-trivial
>> distributed systems -- figuring execution paths and what services,
>> machines, and
>> libraries participated in the processing of a request -- can be involved.
>> == Rationale ==
>> Rather than have each distributed system build its own custom
>> ‘tracing’ libraries,
>> ideally all would use a single project that provides necessary
>> primitives and saves
>> each project building its own visualizations and processing tools anew.
>> Google described “...[a] large-scale distributed systems tracing
>> infrastructure”
>> in Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure. The
>> paper
>> tells a compelling story of what is possible when disparate systems
>> standardize
>> on a single tracing library and cooperate, ‘passing the baton’, filling out
>> trace context as executions cross systems.
>> HTrace aims to provide a rough equivalent in open source of the described
>> core
>> Dapper tools and library.  As it is adopted by more projects, there will
>> be a
>> ‘network effect’ as HTrace will provide a more comprehensive view of
>> activity
>> on the cluster.  For example, as HDFS gets HTrace support, we can connect
>> this
>> with the HTrace support in HBase to follow HBase requests as they enter
>> HDFS.
>> Given the success of HTrace depends on its being integrated by many
>> projects,
>> HTrace should be perceived as unhampered, free of any commercial,
>> political,
>> or legal ‘taint’. Being an Apache project would help in this regard.
>> == Initial Goals ==
>> HTrace is a small project of narrow scope but with a grand vision:
>>  * Move the HTrace source and repository to Apache, a vendor-neutral
>> location. Currently HTrace resides at a Cloudera-hosted repository.
>>  * Add past contributors as committers and institute Apache governance.
>>  * Evangelize and encourage HTrace diffusion. Initially we will
>> continue a focus on the Hadoop space since that is where most of the
>> initial contributors work and it is where HTrace has been initially
>> deployed.
>>  * Building out the standalone visualization tool that ships with HTrace.
>>  * Build more community and add more committers
>> == Current Status ==
>> Currently HTrace has a viable Java trace library that can be interpolated
>> to create ‘traces’.  The work that needs to be done on this library is
>> mostly
>> bug fixes, ease-of-use improvements, and performance tweaks.  In the
>> future,
>> we may add libraries for other languages besides Java.
>> HTrace has means of dumping traces to the filesystem, Twitters’ Zipkin
>> (a tracing
>> sink and visualization system developed by Twitter
>> https://github.com/twitter/zipkin),
>> or Apache HBase.  Executions can be viewed either in Zipkin or in pygraph
>> (https://code.google.com/p/python-graph/).
>> Since the initial sprint in the summer of 2012 which saw HTrace patches
>> proposed
>> for Apache HDFS and committed to Apache HBase, development has been
>> sporadic;
>> mostly a single developer or two adding a feature or bug fixing. HTrace is
>> currently undergoing a new “spurt” of development with the effort to get
>> HTrace
>> added to Apache HDFS revived and a new standalone viewing facility being
>> added
>> in to HTrace itself.
>> HTrace has been integrated by Apache Phoenix.
>> === Meritocracy ===
>> HTrace, up to this, has been run by Apache committers and PMC members.
>> We want to
>> build out a diverse developer and user community and run the HTrace
>> project in
>> the Apache way.  Users and new contributors will be treated with respect
>> and
>> welcomed; they will earn merit in the project by tendering quality patches
>> and support that move the project forward.  Those with a proven support and
>> quality patch track record will be encouraged to become committers.
>> === Community ===
>> There are just a few developers involved at the moment. If our project
>> is accepted
>> by incubator, building community would be a primary initial goal.
>> === Core Developers ===
>> Core developers include Apache members and members of the Hadoop and
>> HBase PMCs.
>> Of those listed, all have contributed to HTrace. Half are from Cloudera.
>> The remainder are Hortonworks, NTTData, Google, and Facebook employees.
>> === Alignment ===
>> HTrace has been integrated into Apache HBase and Apache Phoenix.
>> Integration
>> into Apache HDFS is currently being worked on. Approaching the Apache YARN
>> project would be a likely next integration.
>> == Known Risks ==
>> As noted above, development has been sporadic up to this.  It may continue
>> so.
>> HTrace is not the primary focus of any of the current list of contributors.
>> It is for all a side effort.  HTrace may lack sufficient impetus with such
>> a state of affairs.
>> For HTrace to tell a compelling story, it needs to be taken up by
>> significant
>> projects that make up a traced distributed system.  For example, say YARN
>> and
>> HBase take on HTrace but HDFS does not, then the HDFS portions of an
>> end-to-end
>> operation will render opaque compromising our being able to tell a good
>> story
>> around an execution. Because the picture painted has gaps, HTrace may be
>> left
>> aside as ineffective.
>> === Orphaned products ===
>> The proposers have a vested interest in making HTrace succeed, driving its
>> development and its insertion into projects we all work on. Its dispersion
>> will shine light on difficult to understand interactions amongst the
>> various
>> systems we all work on. A working, integrated HTrace will add a useful
>> debugging mechanism to the Apache projects we all work on.
>> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
>> The majority of the proposers here have day jobs that has them working near
>> full-time on (Apache) open source projects. A few of us have helped carry
>> other projects through incubator.  HTrace to date has been developed as
>> an open source project.
>> === Homogenous Developers ===
>> The initial group of committers is small but already we have a healthy
>> diversity of participating companies.  We are bay-area challenged but
>> a Japanese contributor makes for a good counter balance.
>> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>> Most of the contributors are paid to work in the Hadoop ecosystem.
>> While we might wander from our current employers, we probably won’t
>> go far from the Hadoop tree.  Whoever the Hadoop employer, it is
>> plain a successful HTrace project is in everyone’s interest.
>> At least one of the developers has already changed employers but
>> his interest in seeing HTrace succeed prevails.
>> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
>> For HTrace to succeed, it is critical we build good relations with
>> other distributed systems projects.  We intend to initially build
>> on relations we already have in place, mostly in the Hadoop space.
>> The HTrace project has been incorporated by Apache HBase and
>> Apache Phoenix. It is currently being actively integrated into
>> Apache HDFS.
>> We do not know of any equivalent or near-equivalent project
>> in the Apache space.
>> The Dapper paper notes precedent, in particular, the Berkeley
>> Rad Lab X-Trace project.
>> ==== How HTrace relates to Zipkin ====
>> Zipkin is an Apache Licensed project from Twitter. It is a complete
>> tracing tool with trace collectors, trace viewers and tools to help
>> you generate traces. It is written in Scala.  If your project is
>> not Scala or if it is Java and you cannot afford a Scala dependency,
>> at a minimum, you need an alternate means of generating traces.
>> HTrace provides this facility for Java as well as bridging tools
>> to feed traces to Zipkin for query and display.
>> The projects complement each other.
>> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
>> While we intend to leverage the Apache ‘branding’ when talking to other
>> projects as testament of our project’s ‘neutrality’, we have no plans
>> for making use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting billboards
>> advertising acceptance of HTrace into Apache Incubator.
>> == Documentation ==
>> See [[http://htrace.org|htrace.org]] for the current state of the HTrace
>> project and documentation.
>> How to enable tracing in
>> [[http://hbase.apache.org/book/tracing.html|HBase using HTrace]]
>> Elliott Clark on
>> [[http://files.meetup.com/1350427/HBase%20Meetup%20-%20Zipkin.pptx|tracing
>> in HBase]]
>> == Initial Source ==
>> Jonathan Leavitt and Todd Lipcon built the first versions of HTrace in the
>> summer of 2012.  Jonathan was Todd’s summer intern at Cloudera.
>> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
>> We know of no legal encumberments in the way of transfer of source to
>> Apache.
>> == External Dependencies ==
>> HTrace includes third party libs. These include guava, jetty, junit,
>> protobuf,
>> hbase, and thrift.  All dependencies are Apache licensed or licenses that
>> are
>> palatable: e.g. junit is EPL (Eclipse Public License v1.0) and
>> ProtoBufs are BSD licensed.
>> Cryptography
>> N/A
>> == Required Resources ==
>> === Mailing lists ===
>>  * priv...@htrace.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
>>  * comm...@htrace.incubator.apache.org
>>  * d...@htrace.incubator.apache.org
>>  * iss...@htrace.incubator.apache.org
>>  * u...@htrace.incubator.apache.org
>> === Git Repository ===
>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-htrace.git
>> === Issue Tracking ===
>> === Other Resources ===
>> Means of setting up regular builds for htrace on builds.apache.org
>> == Initial Committers ==
>>  * Colin McCabe (cmcc...@apache.org)
>>  * Elliott Clark (ecl...@apache.org)
>>  * Jonathan Leavitt (jon.s.leav...@gmail.com) -- CLA being submitted
>>  * Masatake Iwasaki (iwasak...@gmail.com) -- CLA being submitted
>>  * Michael Stack (st...@apache.org)
>>  * Nick Dimiduk (ndimi...@apache.org)
>>  * Todd Lipcon (t...@apache.org)
>> == Affiliations ==
>>  * Colin McCabe - Cloudera
>>  * Elliott Clark - Facebook
>>  * Jonathan Leavitt - Google
>>  * Masatake Iwasaki - NTTData
>>  * Michael Stack - Cloudera
>>  * Nick Dimiduk - Hortonworks
>>  * Todd Lipcon - Cloudera
>> == Sponsors ==
>> === Champion ===
>> Roman Shaposhnik
>> === Nominated Mentors ===
>>  * Michael Stack - Apache Member
>>  * Todd Lipcon - Apache Member
>> We will be soliciting more mentors as part of the proposal process.
>> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>> We would like to propose Apache incubator to sponsor this project.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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