On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Thanks for that nice detailed explanation. Perhaps it should be aded to
> here? [1] or [2] While I thought it common knowledge it doesn't seem to be
> explicitly written down anywhere in a clear way like that.

Thanks for thinking about this, Justin!

FWIW, the first few sentences are a pastiche drawn from various policies and
Roy emails[1], while the chunk on security is me elaborating on a concern Roy
expressed about trojan horses and can presumably be improved.

For now, I suggest adding a blob to the Incubator's giganto
releasemanagement.html page.  That's not the ideal place for it, it's just a
placeholder so that it doesn't get lost.

The thing is, Apache's release policy docs are about to get a significant
streamlining[2].  I think info like this belongs in an official _Release FAQ_,
but that doesn't exist at the moment.  The closest thing we have is the
official _Releases Policy_ page at <http://www.apache.org/dev/release>, which
I don't want to mess with right now.

Marvin Humphrey

[1] http://s.apache.org/roy-binary-deps-0
[2] Step 1: A consolidated _Release Distribution Policy_.  Draft currently
    awaiting approval by VP Infra: http://s.apache.org/VEq

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