Am 17.08.2015 10:45, schrieb Branko Čibej:
So wait ... If the Subversion PMC releases source, and, say, Debian
creates a binary package called 'subversion-x.y.z' ... you're saying
that's trademark infringement and we should be telling all the people
who produce binary packages to stop using our registered trademark? Really?

Producing binaries is different from creating a derived work. Even if
packagers change the sources (which they often do, in minor ways, to
tune the build to their platform), it's less than sane to tell them they
should rename the packages because of that.

It would be different if their changes resulted in changed
functionality, but that's not what's happening.

My take so far is: The PMC decides upon if they want to allow for that or not. So the Subversion PMC could forbid the redistribution of packages named subversion-x.y.z... But that does not mean they have to. Where the PMC should get active in such matters is if something claims to be subversion, but really is not. But again the PMC is responsible for that.

bye blackdrag

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou

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