HI Marvin,

You are preaching to the choir with me =)
Totally agree with your comment.

The Eagle team have met with proposed mentors before and have
presented and ask for availability and willingness to help mentor the
project and we got positive response from them.
Now, if the question is whether these mentors will or will not active
in reality it would hard for me to answer.

I know Julian and Taylor have been active and helpful in the Kylin
incubating life.

To be fair, I will circle one more time to existing mentors for Eagle
to confirm their commitment for active participation in the podling.
Would that be acceptable solution?

- Henry

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:16 PM, Henry Saputra <henry.sapu...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Ted,
>> Thanks for your concern, but we have had discussions with all proposed
>> mentors before to ask for their availability and willingness to
>> actively mentor this project.
>> I think we are good with existing proposed mentors.
> Henry,
> 4 of the 5 proposed Mentors for Eagle are also Mentors for Kylin.  Kylin's 1.1
> release candidate is still twisting in the wind awaiting IPMC votes.  It was
> was offered up on dev@kylin on October 10th -- 11 days ago.  It got one Mentor
> vote immediately, and another after 9 days.  It is still waiting for a third
> IPMC vote.
> I think the IPMC needs to take into consideration whether Eagle will have
> enough active Mentors when voting on this proposal, since at least some of
> the proposed Mentors seem to be having difficulty with their current load.
> Mentors who do not actually participate should not be Mentors.
> Marvin Humphrey
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