Nobody is turned away. Mentors don't do the work. Contributors do. Mentors do 
not make decisions. Contributors so. Mentors have " binding votes" but that is 
just because of the structure we have in the ASF, a good mentor will only ever 
use that vote to enact the wishes of the community. This is the opposite of 
"counter cultural". Contributors are what matter not mentors.

See recent discussions in the topic of mentors and how many people. Some 
people, myself included, feel the role of mentor had changed over the years. In 
this project we want it to go back to what it was and should be. Advisors only. 
We don't want anyone in the pushing to feel mentors have authority. We want 
excellent community candidates to demonstrate how merit it's earned around 
here. That can include by giving advise from experience within the ASF, but it 
will be the podling who decide who is contributing constructively and therefore 
vote then in as committers.

Note this is nothing to do with any individual. I'll pick on Jim as we know one 
another (and in fact Jim is a supporter of the one mentor model). Jim has an 
untold amount of expertise to offer this project. I imagine, if he had the time 
to offer, he'll become a committer quickly. The same will be true for anyone 
else who contributes.


Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Tim Williams<>
Sent: ‎12/‎5/‎2015 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [PORPOSAL] Fineract

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Ross Gardler
<> wrote:
> I'm replying top of thread as this is a general reply regarding mentors.
> We just added Greg Stein as a third mentor. He wasn't on the originally 
> submitted proposal as he was just checking on availability before confirming.
> Based on recent conversations in the IPMC I (as champion) advised the project 
> stick to a single mentor who was willing to put his/her head on the block. 
> This individual would take full responsibility for rapid turnaround on all 
> items needing mentor feedback. However, the team had already discussed the 
> proposal with a number of other people. As a result they feel that 3 mentors 
> is appropriate, respecting both IPMC traditions and those already advising 
> the community. Hence we have three mentors. We are not seeking more.

This isn't about "seeking more" - literally a perfectly qualified
[potential] mentor fell in your lap.  Do what you want, this just
feels incredibly counter-cultural to me - that is, to actively turn
away an eminently qualified volunteer.  I think it's both unwise in
this specific instance and a poor example to hint that its
acceptable/desirable in general.

Anyway, best wishes to Fineract...


** Just to be clear, I'm well aware that the other three mentors are
rock solid as well:)

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