To answer back into the original thread (based on the question about
Phonebook last week):

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 6:51 PM, John D. Ament <> wrote:
> All,
> Due to some changes in recent times around the ASF, I think I've identified
> a new setup step for podlings.
> I'd like to recommend adding to the asf-authorization-template as a setup
> step to display the newly created podling in phonebook (
> and that whenever a new committer is added
> that this authorization template be updated.
> Any objections? Questions or concerns?

I like the idea. My only concern is that what needs to be updated today
is esoteric (puppet file?) and confusing (svn?). Is there any chance we
can make it less so?

As I understand the key issue here is that we don't want to create LDAP
entries for podling committers, correct?


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