Thanks Justin. Pushed few changes addressing your suggestions. Could you please 
verify if the current LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt are acceptable? 

NOTICE.txt -

On May 17, 2016, at 12:50 AM, Justin Mclean <> wrote:

> Hi,
>> Just so that we get it right the next time, can you verify that the current
>> NOTICE is acceptable or does it require further changes?
> Doesn’t look correct to me as you are including items that should be in 
> LICENSE not NOTICE. In general permissive licensed items don’t need to be 
> mentioned in NOTICE [1]
> Do any of the Apache licensed bundled items have a NOTICE file? If so then 
> their required notices are needed to be placed in your NOTICE [2]
> I am however more concerned with the missing licenses.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.
> 2.
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