Actually we have 3 different 'staging' mechanisms at play when using Apache 
Maven with GIT:

1.) the Maven staging at
2.) the temp GIT repo
3.) the dist/dev.

The third is actually not used by all projects. The feature was not that 
prominently advertised and for maven projects you have the release binary 
candidates in the maven staging repo anyway.
Actually 3 is most times populated by curling from 1 ;)

But it's of course a great place to put release candidates if you are not using 
Maven (like AOO)!


> On Friday, 19 August 2016, 17:41, Dennis E. Hamilton 
> <> wrote:
> > 
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Mark Struberg []
>>  Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 03:19
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Re: Ease of release process and exit criteria
>>  Good links.
>>  I’d like to add some information for projects who use GIT with maven:
> [ ... ]
>>  Note that in most projects we do _not_ push the release candidate
>>  directly to the ASF repo but e.g. to the release managers private github
>>  account.
>>  Reason is that we cannot easily get rid of it from the cannonical ASF
>>  repo if the VOTE fails.
>>  (ASF repos get mirrored downstream in seconds, and while we could
>>  technically remove it from our own repo we have no control over all the
>>  clones).
> [orcmid] 
> The ASF SVN supports a staging process by which projects have a place to put 
> dev-only builds that are for testing and consideration as release candidates. 
> How that would tie into GIT-only projects and Maven as used is a different 
> matter and distinguishing between non-released developer artifacts, release 
> candidates, and releases seems to be much trickier.  
> Using AOO as an example, the place where artifacts for dev-only use and 
> handling 
> as release candidates are at 
> <>.  Release candidates 
> on which deliberation fails to achieve release approval can be deleted from 
> there.
> When a release candidate is identified and approved as a release, it is 
> copied 
> or moved to 
> <> along with the 
> signatures and hashes that were with the candidate in the dev area.  (Using 
> SVN, 
> this is a cheap copy.)
> That is the staging point for a general, public distribution.  
> Within something like 24-48 hours, the content of that release area is 
> automatically mirrored to
> <>
> And THAT is the official public availability point (with whatever mirroring 
> and 
> other downstream distribution there happens to be).  That is where the 
> indelible 
> KEYS, hashes, signatures, etc. are to be accessed and the material is 
> preserved 
> in perpetuity. 
> Deletions at do not have any effect on the 
> artifacts, so one can clean-up by removing those.  This is SVN so the 
> artifacts 
> are not completely gone, but they are not available for mistaken download by 
> direct access to those locations.

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