and please.. don't just send the log of the discussions here...

Email (asynchronous) follows a different format than a chat conversation.

When you write an email, you usually put int extra effort on giving
the context... when you go to a chat channel is more like..

<dev1> Hey.. wasup.. remember what we were talking yesterday?

<dev2> Yeah.. lets do it..

Bang... nobody will know when you send that to the dev list log. when
you search 3 months from now.. even less.
ok, Ok.. I gave a silly example.. but I can easily see that kind of
thing happening in real life.

Instead... send an email to the dev list.. summarizing the whole
online discussion:

We had a discussion online, and we had a discussion about "context
goes here", and we decided that would be cool to do what "context goes

If you just copy the log from slack into the mail list, you're not
really solving the problem. people will just ignore the list and slack
became the official source for communications.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 8:48 PM, Clebert Suconic
> <> wrote:
>> ...I still think you should keep discussions
>> at the dev list....
> Yes.
> "If it didn't happen on the dev list it didn't happen" is stil valid as ever.
> Slack and other channels are fine for throwaway watercooler
> discussions, nothing more.
> -Bertrand
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Clebert Suconic

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