
I would like to propose Dr. Elephant as an Apache Incubator
project. The proposal is available as a draft at
https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DrElephantProposal. I have also
included the text of the proposal below.

Any feedback from the community is much appreciated.


- Carl


Dr. Elephant is a performance monitoring and tuning service for Apache
Hadoop and Apache Spark jobs and workflows. While the system is
primarily aimed at developers, we have discovered that it is also
popular with cluster operators who use it to monitor the health of
workloads running on their clusters.


Dr. Elephant was open sourced by LinkedIn in 2016 and is currently
hosted on GitHub. We believe that being a part of the Apache Software
Foundation will improve the diversity and help form a strong community
around the project.

LinkedIn submits this proposal to donate the code base to the Apache
Software Foundation. The code is already under Apache License 2.0.
Both the source code and documentation are hosted on Github.

 * Code: http://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant
 * Documentation: https://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant/wiki

= Background =

Dr. Elephant is a service that helps users of Apache Hadoop and Apache
Spark understand, analyze, and improve the performance of jobs and
workflows running on their clusters. It automatically gathers metrics,
performs analysis, and presents the results along with actionable
advice. The goal of the project is to improve developer productivity
and increase cluster efficiency by reducing the time and domain
expertise required to diagnose and treat sick jobs. It analyzes Hadoop
and Spark jobs using a set of configurable, extensible, rule-based
heuristics that provide insights on job performance, and then uses
this information to provide recommendations about how to tune jobs to
make them run more efficiently.

Dr. Elephant was open sourced in 2016 after two years of
successful production use at Linkedin. In the time since many new
features have been added including support for the Oozie and Airflow
workflow schedulers, improved metrics, and enhancements to the Spark
history fetcher and Spark heuristics. It is also important to note
that many of these contributions came from developers outside of
LinkedIn. We have also been happy to see that many people have been
able to benefit from running Dr. Elephant including companies like
Airbnb, Foursquare, Hulu, and Pinterest.


Dr. Elephant's entry to the ASF will be beneficial to both the
Dr. Elephant and Apache communities. Dr. Elephant has greatly
benefited from its open source roots. Its community and adoption has
grown greatly as a result. More importantly, the feedback from the
community, whether through interactions at meetups or through the
mailing list, have allowed for a rich exchange of ideas. We believe a
partnership with the Apache Foundation is the logical next step. The
Dr. Elephant community will greatly benefit from the established
development and consensus processes that have worked well for other
projects. The Apache process has served many other open source
projects well and we believe that the Dr. Elephant community will
greatly benefit from these practices as well.


Dr. Elephant is currently open sourced under the Apache License
Version 2.0 and is available at github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant. All
of the development is done using GitHub Pull Requests.

We are aware of at least 10 organizations that are running
Dr. Elephant, and many of these organizations have also contributed
code. Dr. Elephant has also been integrated into commercial products
such as Pepperdata's Application Profiler.


Our initial goals are as follows:

 * Migrate the existing codebase to Apache
 * Study and integrate with the Apache development process
 * Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version 2.0
 * Incremental development and releases per Apache guidelines
 * Diversify the set of core developers and committers


Following the Apache meritocracy model, we intend to build an open and
diverse community around Dr. Elephant. We will encourage the community to
contribute to discussions and the codebase.


The need for a simple and understandable performance monitoring and
tuning service for Hadoop and Spark is tremendous. Dr. Elephant is
currently being used by at least 10 organizations worldwide (some
examples are listed here). We hope to extend the contributor base
significantly by bringing Dr. Elephant into Apache.


Dr. Elephant was started by engineers at LinkedIn. Many other
individuals and organizations have contributed to the project, and
this diversity is reflected in the list of initial committers.


Apache is the most natural home for Dr. Elephant because of its close
relationship to Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, and its integration
with Apache Oozie and Apache Airflow (incubating).


== Orphaned products ==

The risk of the Dr. Elephant project being abandoned is minimal. As
noted earlier, there are many organizations that have benefitted from
Dr. Elephant, and which are thus incentivized to continue
development. In addition, the software vendor PepperData has
integrated Dr. Elephant into their Application Profiler product.

== Inexperience with Open Source ==

Dr. Elephant has existed as a healthy open source project since
2016. Any risks that we foresee are ones associated with scaling our
open source communication and operation process rather than with
inherent inexperience in operating as an open source project.

== Homogenous Developers ==

Apart from Linkedin’s developers, Dr. Elephant has developers from
Airbnb, Pepperdata, Flipkart, Hulu, Foursquare, Altiscale, PayPal,
Evariant, Didi, Trivago, and Cardlytics.

A lot of effort has been put for efficient communication between all
the developers. We have set up different forums for communication like
github issues, google groups mailing list, gitter chat, weekly
hangouts, and frequent meetups.

== Reliance on Salaried Developers ==

It is expected that Dr. Elephant development will occur on both
salaried time and on volunteer time, after hours. Many of the initial
committers are paid by their employer to contribute to this
project. However, they are all passionate about the project, and we
are confident that the project will continue even if no salaried
developers contribute to the project. We are committed to recruiting
additional committers including non-salaried developers.

== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==

While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubts
that it will attract contributors and users, we believe the ASF is the
right home for Dr. Elephant to foster a great community that will lead
to a better outcome in the long term.

= Documentation =

Dr Elephant's developer wiki: https://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant/wiki

= Initial Source =

Dr Elephant's initial source contribution will come from

The code is licensed under the Apache License V2.

= Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =

The Dr. Elephant codebase is currently hosted on Github. This is the
exact codebase that we would migrate to the Apache Software
Foundation. The Dr. Elephant source code is already licensed under
Apache License Version 2.0. Going forward, we will continue to have
all the contributions licensed directly to the Apache Software
Foundation through our signed Individual Contributor License
Agreements for all of the committers on the project.

= External Dependencies =

To the best of our knowledge all of Dr. Elephant’s dependencies are
distributed under Apache Software Foundation compatible licenses. Upon
acceptance to the incubator, we will begin a thorough analysis of all
transitive dependencies to verify this fact and introduce license
checking into the build and release process.

= Cryptography =

We do not expect Dr. Elephant to be a controlled export item due to
the use of encryption.

= Required Resources =

== Mailing lists ==

 * priv...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
 * comm...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
 * d...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
 * iss...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
 * u...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org

== Git Repository ==

Git is the preferred source control system:

== Issue Tracking ==


== Other Resources ==

The existing code already has unit and integration tests, so we would
like a Jenkins instance to run them whenever a new patch is
submitted. This can be added after project creation.

= Initial Committers =

 * Akshay Rai <akshayrai09 at gmail dot com>
 * Anant Nag <nntnag17 at gmail dot com>
 * Chetna Chaudhari <chetnachaudhari at gmail dot com>
 * Clemens Valiente <clemens dot valiente at gmail dot com>
 * Fangshi Li <shengzhixia at gmail dot com>
 * George Wu <georgieewuu at gmail dot com>
 * Krishna Puttaswamy <krishnaprasad dot pn at gmail dot com>
 * Maxime Kestemont <maxkestemont at hotmail dot com>
 * Noam Shaish <noamshaish at gmail dot com>
 * Paul Reed Bramsen <prb at paulbramsen dot com>
 * Ragesh K R <ragesh dot rajagopalan at gmail dot com>
 * Shankar Manian <shankar37 at gmail dot com>
 * Shahrukh Khan <shahrukhkhan489 at gmail dot com>
 * Shekhar Gupta <shkhrgptat gmail dot com>
 * Shida Li <lishid at gmail dot com>

== Affiliations ==

 * Akshay Rai - Linkedin
 * Anant Nag - Linkedin
 * Chetna Chaudhari - SkyTv New Zealand
 * Clemens Valiente - trivago GmbH
 * Fangshi Li - Linkedin
 * George Wu - Pinterest
 * Krishna Puttaswamy - Airbnb
 * Mark Wagner - Linkedin
 * Maxime Kestemont - Criteo
 * Noam Shaish - Nordea Bank
 * Ragesh K R - Linkedin
 * Shankar Manian - Linkedin
 * Shahrukh Khan - Hortonworks
 * Shekhar Gupta - Pepperdata
 * Shida Li - Dynalist Inc.

= Sponsors =
== Champion ==
 * Carl Steinbach

== Nominated Mentors ==
  * Carl Steinbach (LinkedIn)

== Sponsoring Entity ==
The Apache Incubator

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