I'm intrigued by the proposal and the product. I'm a 0.5+.

I'd love to know more about why LI put it on GitHub and what problems it's
having that are leading to a foundation.

Kevin A. McGrail
Asst. Treasurer & VP Fundraising, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 8:27 PM, Gangumalla, Uma <uma.ganguma...@intel.com>

> I would +1 to have as a separate project instead of pushing under Hadoop.
> When a project can sustain by having potential to build community on its
> own and can run logically as independent module, I feel that’s good enough
> to start as separate project.
> I could not recall the discussions on removal of Vaidya package from
> Hadoop. If someone remembers, it would be great to know the reasons for
> removal of that package from Hadoop base. [ probably at the time of
> mavenization ? ]
> Regards,
> Uma
> On 3/6/18, 3:17 PM, "md...@cloudera.com on behalf of Mike Drob" <
> md...@cloudera.com on behalf of md...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Why does Dr. Elephant make sense as a separate project instead of
>     contributing to Hadoop directly?
>     What is the relationship between Dr. Elephant and the (now seemingly
>     defunct) Hadoop Vaidya?
>     On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 5:08 PM, Carl Steinbach <c...@apache.org> wrote:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > I would like to propose Dr. Elephant as an Apache Incubator
>     > project. The proposal is available as a draft at
>     > https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DrElephantProposal. I have also
>     > included the text of the proposal below.
>     >
>     > Any feedback from the community is much appreciated.
>     >
>     > Thanks.
>     >
>     > - Carl
>     >
>     >
>     > = ABSTRACT =
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant is a performance monitoring and tuning service for
> Apache
>     > Hadoop and Apache Spark jobs and workflows. While the system is
>     > primarily aimed at developers, we have discovered that it is also
>     > popular with cluster operators who use it to monitor the health of
>     > workloads running on their clusters.
>     >
>     > = PROPOSAL =
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant was open sourced by LinkedIn in 2016 and is currently
>     > hosted on GitHub. We believe that being a part of the Apache Software
>     > Foundation will improve the diversity and help form a strong
> community
>     > around the project.
>     >
>     > LinkedIn submits this proposal to donate the code base to the Apache
>     > Software Foundation. The code is already under Apache License 2.0.
>     > Both the source code and documentation are hosted on Github.
>     >
>     >  * Code: http://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant
>     >  * Documentation: https://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant/wiki
>     >
>     > = Background =
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant is a service that helps users of Apache Hadoop and
> Apache
>     > Spark understand, analyze, and improve the performance of jobs and
>     > workflows running on their clusters. It automatically gathers
> metrics,
>     > performs analysis, and presents the results along with actionable
>     > advice. The goal of the project is to improve developer productivity
>     > and increase cluster efficiency by reducing the time and domain
>     > expertise required to diagnose and treat sick jobs. It analyzes
> Hadoop
>     > and Spark jobs using a set of configurable, extensible, rule-based
>     > heuristics that provide insights on job performance, and then uses
>     > this information to provide recommendations about how to tune jobs to
>     > make them run more efficiently.
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant was open sourced in 2016 after two years of
>     > successful production use at Linkedin. In the time since many new
>     > features have been added including support for the Oozie and Airflow
>     > workflow schedulers, improved metrics, and enhancements to the Spark
>     > history fetcher and Spark heuristics. It is also important to note
>     > that many of these contributions came from developers outside of
>     > LinkedIn. We have also been happy to see that many people have been
>     > able to benefit from running Dr. Elephant including companies like
>     > Airbnb, Foursquare, Hulu, and Pinterest.
>     >
>     > = RATIONALE =
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant's entry to the ASF will be beneficial to both the
>     > Dr. Elephant and Apache communities. Dr. Elephant has greatly
>     > benefited from its open source roots. Its community and adoption has
>     > grown greatly as a result. More importantly, the feedback from the
>     > community, whether through interactions at meetups or through the
>     > mailing list, have allowed for a rich exchange of ideas. We believe a
>     > partnership with the Apache Foundation is the logical next step. The
>     > Dr. Elephant community will greatly benefit from the established
>     > development and consensus processes that have worked well for other
>     > projects. The Apache process has served many other open source
>     > projects well and we believe that the Dr. Elephant community will
>     > greatly benefit from these practices as well.
>     >
>     > = CURRENT STATUS =
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant is currently open sourced under the Apache License
>     > Version 2.0 and is available at github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant. All
>     > of the development is done using GitHub Pull Requests.
>     >
>     > We are aware of at least 10 organizations that are running
>     > Dr. Elephant, and many of these organizations have also contributed
>     > code. Dr. Elephant has also been integrated into commercial products
>     > such as Pepperdata's Application Profiler.
>     >
>     > = INITIAL GOALS =
>     >
>     > Our initial goals are as follows:
>     >
>     >  * Migrate the existing codebase to Apache
>     >  * Study and integrate with the Apache development process
>     >  * Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version
> 2.0
>     >  * Incremental development and releases per Apache guidelines
>     >  * Diversify the set of core developers and committers
>     >
>     > = MERITOCRACY =
>     >
>     > Following the Apache meritocracy model, we intend to build an open
> and
>     > diverse community around Dr. Elephant. We will encourage the
> community to
>     > contribute to discussions and the codebase.
>     >
>     > = COMMUNITY =
>     >
>     > The need for a simple and understandable performance monitoring and
>     > tuning service for Hadoop and Spark is tremendous. Dr. Elephant is
>     > currently being used by at least 10 organizations worldwide (some
>     > examples are listed here). We hope to extend the contributor base
>     > significantly by bringing Dr. Elephant into Apache.
>     >
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant was started by engineers at LinkedIn. Many other
>     > individuals and organizations have contributed to the project, and
>     > this diversity is reflected in the list of initial committers.
>     >
>     > = ALIGNMENT =
>     >
>     > Apache is the most natural home for Dr. Elephant because of its close
>     > relationship to Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, and its integration
>     > with Apache Oozie and Apache Airflow (incubating).
>     >
>     > = KNOWN RISKS =
>     >
>     > == Orphaned products ==
>     >
>     > The risk of the Dr. Elephant project being abandoned is minimal. As
>     > noted earlier, there are many organizations that have benefitted from
>     > Dr. Elephant, and which are thus incentivized to continue
>     > development. In addition, the software vendor PepperData has
>     > integrated Dr. Elephant into their Application Profiler product.
>     >
>     > == Inexperience with Open Source ==
>     >
>     > Dr. Elephant has existed as a healthy open source project since
>     > 2016. Any risks that we foresee are ones associated with scaling our
>     > open source communication and operation process rather than with
>     > inherent inexperience in operating as an open source project.
>     >
>     > == Homogenous Developers ==
>     >
>     > Apart from Linkedin’s developers, Dr. Elephant has developers from
>     > Airbnb, Pepperdata, Flipkart, Hulu, Foursquare, Altiscale, PayPal,
>     > Evariant, Didi, Trivago, and Cardlytics.
>     >
>     > A lot of effort has been put for efficient communication between all
>     > the developers. We have set up different forums for communication
> like
>     > github issues, google groups mailing list, gitter chat, weekly
>     > hangouts, and frequent meetups.
>     >
>     > == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
>     >
>     > It is expected that Dr. Elephant development will occur on both
>     > salaried time and on volunteer time, after hours. Many of the initial
>     > committers are paid by their employer to contribute to this
>     > project. However, they are all passionate about the project, and we
>     > are confident that the project will continue even if no salaried
>     > developers contribute to the project. We are committed to recruiting
>     > additional committers including non-salaried developers.
>     >
>     > == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
>     >
>     > While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no
> doubts
>     > that it will attract contributors and users, we believe the ASF is
> the
>     > right home for Dr. Elephant to foster a great community that will
> lead
>     > to a better outcome in the long term.
>     >
>     > = Documentation =
>     >
>     > Dr Elephant's developer wiki: https://github.com/linkedin/
> dr-elephant/wiki
>     >
>     > = Initial Source =
>     >
>     > Dr Elephant's initial source contribution will come from
>     > https://github.com/linkedin/dr-elephant
>     >
>     > The code is licensed under the Apache License V2.
>     >
>     > = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
>     >
>     > The Dr. Elephant codebase is currently hosted on Github. This is the
>     > exact codebase that we would migrate to the Apache Software
>     > Foundation. The Dr. Elephant source code is already licensed under
>     > Apache License Version 2.0. Going forward, we will continue to have
>     > all the contributions licensed directly to the Apache Software
>     > Foundation through our signed Individual Contributor License
>     > Agreements for all of the committers on the project.
>     >
>     > = External Dependencies =
>     >
>     > To the best of our knowledge all of Dr. Elephant’s dependencies are
>     > distributed under Apache Software Foundation compatible licenses.
> Upon
>     > acceptance to the incubator, we will begin a thorough analysis of all
>     > transitive dependencies to verify this fact and introduce license
>     > checking into the build and release process.
>     >
>     > = Cryptography =
>     >
>     > We do not expect Dr. Elephant to be a controlled export item due to
>     > the use of encryption.
>     >
>     > = Required Resources =
>     >
>     > == Mailing lists ==
>     >
>     >  * priv...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
>     >  * comm...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
>     >  * d...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
>     >  * iss...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
>     >  * u...@drelephant.incubator.apache.org
>     >
>     > == Git Repository ==
>     >
>     > Git is the preferred source control system:
>     > git://git.apache.org/dr-elephant
>     >
>     > == Issue Tracking ==
>     >
>     > JIRA project DOCTOR
>     >
>     > == Other Resources ==
>     >
>     > The existing code already has unit and integration tests, so we would
>     > like a Jenkins instance to run them whenever a new patch is
>     > submitted. This can be added after project creation.
>     >
>     > = Initial Committers =
>     >
>     >  * Akshay Rai <akshayrai09 at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Anant Nag <nntnag17 at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Chetna Chaudhari <chetnachaudhari at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Clemens Valiente <clemens dot valiente at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Fangshi Li <shengzhixia at gmail dot com>
>     >  * George Wu <georgieewuu at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Krishna Puttaswamy <krishnaprasad dot pn at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Maxime Kestemont <maxkestemont at hotmail dot com>
>     >  * Noam Shaish <noamshaish at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Paul Reed Bramsen <prb at paulbramsen dot com>
>     >  * Ragesh K R <ragesh dot rajagopalan at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Shankar Manian <shankar37 at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Shahrukh Khan <shahrukhkhan489 at gmail dot com>
>     >  * Shekhar Gupta <shkhrgptat gmail dot com>
>     >  * Shida Li <lishid at gmail dot com>
>     >
>     > == Affiliations ==
>     >
>     >  * Akshay Rai - Linkedin
>     >  * Anant Nag - Linkedin
>     >  * Chetna Chaudhari - SkyTv New Zealand
>     >  * Clemens Valiente - trivago GmbH
>     >  * Fangshi Li - Linkedin
>     >  * George Wu - Pinterest
>     >  * Krishna Puttaswamy - Airbnb
>     >  * Mark Wagner - Linkedin
>     >  * Maxime Kestemont - Criteo
>     >  * Noam Shaish - Nordea Bank
>     >  * Ragesh K R - Linkedin
>     >  * Shankar Manian - Linkedin
>     >  * Shahrukh Khan - Hortonworks
>     >  * Shekhar Gupta - Pepperdata
>     >  * Shida Li - Dynalist Inc.
>     >
>     > = Sponsors =
>     > == Champion ==
>     >  * Carl Steinbach
>     >
>     > == Nominated Mentors ==
>     >   * Carl Steinbach (LinkedIn)
>     >
>     > == Sponsoring Entity ==
>     > The Apache Incubator
>     >

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