Thanks for doing this, Justin. It must have taken quite a while.
You've convinced me that missing sign-off is a reasonable proxy for
mentor disengagement.

Just curious: As you were reviewing lists looking for mentor activity,
did you learn anything about patterns of mentor behavior? Are there
any lessons we can learn?


On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 7:36 PM Justin Mclean <> wrote:
> Hi,
> So I went through the tedious task of checking activity on the mailing list 
> in the last 6 months for all possible absent mentors (being those who have 
> missed a number of reports). I may of made some mistakes but it look like 
> that missing 3 reports n a row correlates quite well with mentors being 
> absent. (about 80% or so).
> While this doesn’t tell who is just signing off report and otherwise being 
> absent but I think that a good start.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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