Dear Apache Incubator Community,

I would like to open up a discussion about incubating IoTDB at Apache. IoTDB is 
a database for managing large amounts of time series data  from IoT sensors in 
industrial applications. 

The proposal is available as a draft at . I have also included the text 
of the proposal below. 

= IoTDB Proposal  =

== Abstract ==
IoTDB is a database for managing large amounts of time series data such as 
timestamped data from IoT sensors in industrial applications.

== Proposal ==
IoTDB is a database for managing large amount of time series data with columnar 
storage, data encoding, pre-computation, and index techniques. It has SQL-like 
interface to write millions of data points per second per node and is optimized 
to get query results in few seconds over trillions of data points. It can also 
be easily integrated with Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark for 

== Background ==

A new class of data management system requirements is becoming increasingly 
important with the rise of the Internet of Things. There are some database 
systems and technologies aimed at time series data management.  For example, 
Gorilla and InfluxDB which are mainly built for data centers and monitoring 
application metrics. Other systems, for example, OpenTSDB and KairosDB, are 
built on Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra, respectively. 

However, many applications for time series data management have more 
requirements especially in industrial applications as follows:

 * Supporting time series data which has high data frequency. For example, a 
turbine engine may generate 1000 points per second (i.e., 1000Hz), while each 
CPU only reports 1 data points per 5 seconds in a data center monitoring 

 * Supporting scanning data multi-resolutionally. For example, aggregation 
operation is important for time series data.

 * Supporting special queries for time series, such as pattern matching, time 
series segmentation, time-frequency transformation and frequency query.

 * Supporting a large number of monitoring targets (i.e. time series). An 
excavator may report more than 1000 time series, for example, revolving speed 
of the motor-engine, the speed of the excavator, the accelerated speed, the 
temperature of the water tank and so on, while a CPU or an application monitor 
has much fewer time series.

 * Optimization for out-of-order data points. In the industrial sector, it is 
common that equipment sends data using the UDP protocol rather than the TCP 
protocol. Sometimes, the network connect is unstable and parts of the data will 
be buffered for later sending.

 * Supporting long-term storage. Historical data is precious for equipment 
manufacturers. Therefore, removing or unloading historical data is highly 
desired for most industrial applications. The database system must not only 
support fast retrieval of historical data, but also should guarantee that the 
historical data does not impact the processing speed for ??hot?? or current 

 * Supporting online transaction processing (OLTP) as well as complex 
analytics. It is obvious that supporting analyzing from the data files using 
Apache Spark/Apache Hadoop MapReduce directly is better than transforming data 
files to another file format for Big Data analytics.

 * Flexible deployment either on premise or in the cloud.  IoTDB is as simple 
and can be deployed on a Raspberry Pi handling hundreds of time series. 
Meanwhile, the system can be also deployed in the cloud so that it supports 
tens of millions ingestions per second, OLTP queries in milliseconds, and 
analytics using Apache Spark/Apache Hadoop MapReduce.

 * * (1) If users deploy IoTDB on a device, such as a Raspberry Pi, a wind 
turbine, or a meteorological station, the deployment of the chosen database is 
designed to be simple. A device may have hundreds of time series (but less than 
a thousand time series) and the database needs to handle them.
 * * (2) When deploying IoTDB in a data center, the computational resources 
(i.e., the hardware configuration of servers) is not a problem when compared to 
a Raspberry Pi. In this deployment, IoTDB can use more computation resources, 
and has the ability to handle more time seires (e.g., millions of time series).

Based on these requirements, we developed IoTDB, a new data store system for 
managing time series data. 

IoTDB started as a Tsinghua University research project. IoTDB's developer 
community has also grown to include additional institutions, for example, 
universities (e.g., Fudan University), research labs (e.g, NEL-BDS lab), and 
corporations (e.g., K2Data, Tencent). Funding has been provided by various 
institutions including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 
industry sponsors, such as Lenovo and K2Data. 

== Rationale ==
Because there is no existed open-sourced time series databases covering all the 
above requirements, we developed IoTDB. As the system matures, we are seeking a 
long-term home for the project. We believe the Apache Software Foundation would 
be an ideal fit. Also joining Apache will help coordinate and improve the 
development effort of the growing number of organizations which contribute to 
IoTDB improving the diversity of our community.

IoTDB contains multiple modules, which are classified into categories:

 * '''TsFile Format''': TsFile is a new columnar file format. 
 * '''Adaptor for Analytics and Visualization''': Integrating TsFile with 
Apache Hadoop HDFS, Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark. Examples of 
integrating IoTDB with Apache Kafka, Apache Storm and Grafana are also provided.
 * '''IoTDB Engine''': An engine which consists of SQL parser, query plan 
generator, memtable, authentication and authorization,write ahead log (WAL), 
crash recovery, out-of-order data handler, and index for aggregation and 
pattern matching. The engine stores system data in TsFile format.
 * '''IoTDB JDBC''': An implementation of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) for 
clients to connect to IoTDB using Java.

=== TsFile Format ===

TsFile format is a columnar store, which is similar with Apache Parquet and 
Apache CarbonData. It has the concepts of Chunk Group, Column Chunk, Page and 
Footer. Comparing with Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData, it is designed and 
optimized for time series:

==== Time Series Friendly Encoding ====
IoTDB currently supports run length encoding (RLE), delta-of-delta encoding, 
and Facebook's Gorilla encoding. 

Lossy encoding methods (e.g., Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA) and 
time-frequency transformation are works-in-progress.

==== Chunk Group ====
The data part of a TsFile consists of many Chunk Groups. Each Chunk Group 
stores the data of a device at a time interval.  A Chunk Group is similar to 
the row group in Apache Parquet, while there are some constraints of the time 
dimension:  For each device, the time intervals of different Chunk Groups are 
not overlapped and the latter Chunk Group always has a larger timestamp.

Given a TsFile and a query with a time range filter, the query process can 
terminate scanning data once it reads data points whose timestamp reaches the 
time limit of the filter. We call the feature ''fast-return'' and it makes the 
time range query in a TsFile very efficient.

==== Different Column Chunk Format (Unnecessary the Repetition (R) and 
Definition (D) Fields) ====

While Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData support complex data types, e.g., 
nested data and sparse columns, TsFile is exclusively designed for time series 
whose data model is \<device_id, series_id, timestamp, value\>. 

In a `Chunk Group`, each time series is a `Column Chunk`. Even though these 
time series belong to the same device, the data points in different time series 
are not aligned in the time dimension originally. 

For example, if you have a device with 2 sensors on the same data collection 
frequencies, sensor 1 may collect data at time 1521622662000 while the other 
one collects data at time 1521622662001 (delta=1ms). Therefore, each Column 
Chunk has its timestamps and values, which is quite different from Apache 
Parquet and Apache CarbonData.  Because we store the time column along with 
each value column instead of making different chunks share the same time column 
for the sake of diverse data frequency for different time series, we do not 
store any null value on disk to align across time series. Besides, we do not 
need to attach  `repetition` (R) and `definition` (D) fields on each value. 
Therefore, the disk space is saved and the query latency is reduced (because we 
do not align data by calculating R and D fields).

==== Domain Specific Information in Each Page ====
Similar to Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData, a `Column Chunk` consists of 
several `Pages`, and each `Page` has a `Page header`. The `Page header` is a 
summary of the data in the page. 

Because TsFile is optimized for time series, the page header contains more 
domain specific information, such as the minimal and maximal value, the minimal 
and the maximal timestamp, the frequency and so on. TsFile can even store the 
histogram of values in the page header. 

This header information helps IoTDB in speeding up queries by skipping 
unnecessary pages.

=== Adaptor for Analytics ===
The TsFile provides:

 * InputFormat/OutputFormat interfaces for Reading/Writing data.
 * Deep integration with Apache Spark/Hadoop MapReduce including predicate 
push-down, column pruning, aggregation push down, etc. So users can use Apache 
Spark SQL/HiveQL to connect and query TsFiles.

=== IoTDB Engine ===
The IoTDB engine is a database engine, which uses TsFile as its storage file 
format. The IoTDB Engine supports SQL-like query plus many useful functions:

 * Tree-based time series schema
 * Log-Structured Merge (LSM)-based storage
 * Overflow file for out-of-order data
 * Scalable index framework
 * Special queries for time series

==== Tree-based Time Series Schema ====
IoTDB manages all the time series definitions using a tree structure. A path 
from the root of the tree to a leaf node represents a time series. Therefore, 
the unique id of a time series is a path, e.g., 

This kind of schema can express `group by` naturally. For example, 
`root.China.beijing.windFarm1.*.speed` represents the speed of all the wind 
turbines in wind farm 1 in Beijing, China.

==== Log-Structured Merge (LSM)-based Storage ====
In a time series, the data points should be ordered by their timestamps. In 
IoTDB, we use Log-Structured Merge (LSM) based mechanism. Therefore, a part of 
the data is stored in memory first and can be called as `memtable`. At this 
time, if data points come out-of-order, we resort them in memory. When this 
part of data exceeds the configured memory limit, we flush it on disk as a 
`Chunk Group` into an unclosed TsFile.  Finally, a TsFile may contain several 
Chunk Groups, for reducing the number of small data files, which is helpful to 
reduce the I/O load of the storage system and reduces the execution time of a 
file-merge in LSM. Notice that the data is time-ordered in one Chunk Group on 
disk, and this layout is helpful for fast filtering in one Chunk Group for a 

Rule 1: In a TsFile, the Chunk Groups of one device are ordered by timestamp 
(Rule 1), and it is helpful for fast filtering among Chunk Groups for a query.

Rule 2: When the size of the unclosed TsFile reaches the threshold defined in 
the configuration file, we close the file and generate a new one to store new 
arriving data spanning the entire data set. Like many systems which use 
LSM-based storage, we never modify a TsFile which has been closed except for 
the file-merge process (Rule 2). 

Rule 3: To reduce the number of TsFiles involved in a query process, we 
guarantee that the data points in different TsFiles are not overlapping on the 
time dimension after file mergence (Rule 3). 

==== Overflow File for Out-of-order Data ====
When a part of data is flushed on disk (and will form a `Chunk Group` in a 
TsFile), the newly arriving data points whose timestamps are smaller than the 
largest timestamp in the Tsfile are `out-of-order`. 

To store the out-of-order data, we organize all the troublesome `out-of-order` 
data point insertions into a special TsFile, named `UnSequenceTsFile`. In an 
UnSequenceTsFile, the Chunk Groups of one device may be overlapping in the time 
dimension, which violates the Rule 1 and costs additional time compared to a 
normal TsFile for query filtering.
There is another special operation: updating all the data points in a time 
range, e.g., `update all the speed values of device1 as 0 where the data time 
is in [1521622000000, 1521622662000]`. The operation is called when: (1) a 
sensor malfunctions and the database receives wrong data for a period; (2) we 
may want to reset all the records. Many NoSQL time series databases do not 
support such an operation. To support the operation in IoTDB, we use a 
tree-based structure, Treap, to store this part of operations and store them as 
`Overflow` files. 

Therefore, there are 3 kinds of data files: TsFiles, UnSequenceTsFiles and 
Overflow files.  TsFiles should store most of the data. The volume of 
UnSequenceTsFiles depends on the workload: if there are too many out-of-order 
and the time span of out-of-order is huge, the volume will be large. Overflow 
files handle fewest data operations but will depend on the use of the special 

==== LSM-tree ====
Normally, LSM-based storage engines merge data files level by level so that it 
looks like a tree structure. In this way, data is well organized. The 
disadvantage is that data will be read and written several times. If the tree 
has 4 levels, each data point will be rewritten at least 4 times. 

Currently, we do not merge all the TsFiles into one because (1) the number of 
TsFiles is kept lower than many LSM storage engines because a memtable is 
mapped to several Chunk Groups rather than a file; (2) different TsFiles are 
not overlapping with each other in the time dimension (because of Rule 3). 

As mentioned before,  TsFile supports ''fast-return'' to accelerate queries. 
However, UnSequenceTsFile and Overflow files do not allow this feature. The 
time spans of UnSequenceTsFile, Overflow file andTsFile may be overlapped, 
which leads to more files involved in the query process. To accelerate these 
queries, there is a merging process to reorganize files in the background. All 
the three kinds of files: TsFiles, UnSequenceTsFiles and Overflow files, are 
involved in the merging process. The merging process is implemented using 
multi-threading, while each thread is responsible for a series family. 
After merging, only TsFiles are left. These files have non-overlapping time 
spans and support the ''fast-return'' feature. 

==== Scalable Index Framework ====
We allow users to implement indexes for faster queries. We currently support an 
index for pattern matching query (KV-Match index, ICDE 2019). Another index for 
fast aggregation (PISA index, CIKM 2016) is a work-in-progress. 

==== Special Queries ====
We currently support `group by time interval` aggregation queries and `Fill by` 
operations, which are similar to those of InfluxDB. Time series segmentation 
operations and frequency queries are work-in-progress.

== Initial Goals ==
The initial goals are to be open sourced and to integrate with the Apache 
development process. Furthermore, we plan for incremental development, and 
releases along with the Apache guidelines.

== Current Status ==
We have developed the system for more than 2 years. There are currently 13k 
lines of code, some of which are generated by Antlr3 and Thrift.  There are 230 
issues which have been solved and more than 1500 commits.  

The system has been deployed in the staging environment of the State Grid 
Corporation of China to handle ~3 million time series (i.e, ~30,000 power 
generation assembly * ~100 sensors) and an equipment service company in China 
managing ~2 million time series (i.e, ~20k devices * 100 sensors). The 
insertion speed reaches ~2 million points/second/node, which is faster than 
InfluxDB, OpenTSDB and Apache Cassandra in our environment.

There are many new features in the works including those mentioned herein. We 
will add more analytics functions, improve the data file merge process, and 
finish the first released version of IoTDB. 

== Meritocracy ==
The IoTDB project operates on meritocratic principles. Developers who submit 
more code with higher quality earn more merit. We have used `Issues` and `Pull 
Requests` modules on Github for collecting users' suggestions and patches. 
Users who submit issues, pull requests, documents and help the community 
management are welcomed and encouraged to become committers.

== Community ==

The IoTDB project users communicate on Github 
( . Developers make the communication on a 
website which is similar with JIRA (Currently, only registered users can apply 
to access the project for communication, url: We have also 
introduced IoTDB at many technical conferences. Next, we will build the mailing 
list for more convenience, broader communication and archived discussions. 

If IoTDB is accepted for incubation at the Apache Software Foundation, the 
primary goal is to build a larger community. We believe that IoTDB will become 
a key project for time series data management, and so, we will rely on a large 
community of users and developers.

TODO: IoTDB is currently on a private Github repository 
(, while its subproject TsFile (a file format 
for storing time series data) is open sourced on Github 

== Core Developers ==
IoTDB was initially developed by 2 dozen of students and teachers at Tsinghua 
University. Now, more and more developers have joined coming from other 
universities: Fudan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University and 
Harbin Institute of Technology in China.  Other developers come from business 
companies such as Lenovo and Microsoft. We will be working to bring more and 
more developers into the project making contributions to IoTDB.

== Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
IoTDB requires some Apache products (Apache Thrift, commons, collections, 

IoTDB-Spark-connector and IoTDB-Hadoop-connector have been developed for 
supporting analysing time series data by using Apache Spark and MapReduce. 

Overall, IoTDB is designed as an open architecture, and it can be integrated 
with many other systems in the future.

As mentioned before, in the IoTDB project, we designed a new columnar file 
format, called TsFile, which is similar to Apache Parquet. However, the new 
file format is optimized for time series data. 

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned Products ===
Given the current level of investment in IoTDB, the risk of the project being 
abandoned is minimal. Time series data is more and more important and there are 
several constituents who are highly inspired to continue development. Tsinghua 
and NEL-BDS Lab relies on IoTDB as a platform for a large number of long-term 
research projects. We have deployed IoTDB in some company's staging 
environments for future applications.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
Students and researchers in Tsinghua University have been developing and using 
open source software for a long time. It is wonderful to be guided to join a 
formal open-source process for students. Some of our committers
have  experiences contributing to open source, for example:

 * druid:
 * druid:
 * YCSB:

Additionally, several ASF veterans and industry veterans have agreed to mentor 
the project and are listed in this proposal. The project will rely on their 
guidance and collective wisdom to quickly transition the entire team of initial 
committers towards practicing the Apache Way.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
Most of current developers are students and researchers/professors in 
universities, and their researches focus on big data management and analytics. 
It is unlikely that they will change their research focus away from big data 
management.  We will work to ensure that the ability for the project to 
continuously be stewarded and to proceed forward independent of salaried 
developers is continued.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
Most of the initial developers come from Tsinghua University with no intent to 
use the Apache brand for profit. We have no plans for making use of Apache 
brand in press releases nor posting billboards advertising acceptance of IoTDB 
into Apache Incubator.

== Initial Source ==
IoTDB's github address and some required dependencies: 

 * The storage file format:
 * Adaptor for Apache Hadoop MapReduce:
 * Adaptor for Apache Spark:
 * Adaptor for Grafana:
 * The database engine: (private project up to 
 * The client driver:

=== External Dependencies ===
To the best of our knowledge, all dependencies of IoTDB are distributed under 
Apache compatible licenses. Upon acceptance to the incubator, we would begin a 
thorough analysis of all transitive dependencies to verify this fact and 
introduce license checking into the build and release process.

== Documentation ==
 * Documentation for TsFile:
 * Documentation for IoTDB and its JDBC: (Chinese 
only. An English version is in progress.)

== Required Resources ==
=== Mailing Lists ===

=== Git Repositories ===

=== Issue Tracking ===
 *  JIRA IoTDB (We currently use the issue management provided by Github to 
track issues.)

== Initial Committers ==
Tsinghua University, K2Data Company, Lenovo, Fundan University, Microsoft

Jianmin Wang ( jimwang at tsinghua dot edu dot cn )

Jun Yuan (richard_yuan16 at 163 dot com  )

Chen Wang ( wang_chen at tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Xiangdong Huang (sainthxd at gmail dot com)

Jialin Qiao (qjl16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Jinrui Zhang (jinrzhan at microsoft dot com)

Rong Kang (kr11 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Tian Jiang??jiangtia18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn??

Lei Rui (rl18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Rui Liu (liur17 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Kun Liu (liukun16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Gaofei Cao (cgf16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Yi Xu(x-y16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Xinyi Zhao (xyzhao16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Dongfang Mao (maodf17 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Tianan Li(lta18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Yue Su (suy18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

Wangminhao Gou(gwmh18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)

== Sponsors ==
=== Champion ===
Kevin A. McGrail (

=== Nominated Mentors ===

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